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Image Comments posted by spanish_grease

  1. I think I might like this one the most. The shape of the smoke is almost reminiscent of fire to me, which is a very cool idea. Just wondering what shutter speed, aperature and ISO you shot this at?




    Beautiful shot! The water drops add that extra bit. Flower doesn't quite seem centered in the frame though, that's slightly distracting to me. Did you 'paint' this with light, or what?


    Have you considered leaving the leaf in color? Would accent the leaf a tad more, as it blends into the gray background right now! Would really only work is the leaf was a nice color though! A well composed and well lit image, the shadows are very cool! Nice Shot!

    Mommy and me

    A beautiful potrait! Well lit, good contrast, wonderful in black and white. I like the crop, nice and close really emphasizes the bond between mother and son. Some strong noise off in the top right hand corner though, as well as some kind of jpeg artifacts or something in her hair in the top right as well, strange. May just be the size of the shot I'm looking at! Very nice overall!


    This is a really appealing photograph to me. I can't seem to pull my eyes away from it. The striking contrast between the white water and dark skin is incredible. You've taken an excellent candid here, you've got quite the eye! I also like the square crop, you've used the rule of thirds admirably! Not much too say I would change, might be nice to see some more details of the childs face, other then that wonderful! 6/7 7/7

    Child in Alley

    Great shot Morey, I love it. The contrast and lighting are just right in this shot, a beautiful black and white. Composition is fantastic as well, a lot is said from the boys back being turned. You also used the doorframe well to emphasize the boys small stature! Only thing I would change is being able to see his face just a little bit more, but maybe that would look worse, it's hard to tell! 6/7 6/7
  2. I love the composition and idea of this shot. Really encompasses the concept you are going for well. The lighting is well done, as is the 'ghost' effect. A couple things I would change, the doorframe would be better if it were more sqaure in the shot, instead of slightly crooked. I would also boost the contrast here as it appears just a little washed out. I love the picture though, an excellent job! 5/7 7/7
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