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jerry lee

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Image Comments posted by jerry lee

  1. how far is this place from your house ? are there bullet hole marks on the walls ? is that her purse by her left foot ? did she check for rats before she sat down ? ha , jerry
  2. on an amature level, a 6/6 is fair, competing against professionals of Disney World, obviously a 3/3 at best. But either way, originality should garner at least a 6, and a 7 is fair, cause face it, where else do you see things like this ? isnt that what original means ? If you think its not pretty, thats fair too, give a 2, it makes no difference to me. Thanks for you comments !

    The Shut In

    Think of who lived within this abode. Most likely someone who with age grew sick of the outside world to the point where putting up barriers of cardboard and newspaper to insulate, to keep out the cold, the light, the eyes of the world, how destitute, how sad an ending for a life that perhaps showed earlier promise. a shut-in is an american term for a person incapable or unwilling to venture outside, usually a very old person who can just survive on a social "security" check to live on.

    The Shut In

    I agree with you, it distracts from the angelic dove-like beauty of the whole; and the "vehicle" was actually a stand that sold colostomy bags for retired skin divers , what can brown do for you ?
  3. doggon it, youve done it again !This made me laugh, great work ! OK, sitting in as the dogs shrink, the cat reads questions to her patient, who is undergoing hypnotic dogression into his past dog years. HA
  4. because, I cant believe what Im seeing. a kid with a look of glee or horror for being in what looks like a pit full of mud and dog debris. This water CANT be clean. Id expect to see this in some underdeveloped 4th world country. Tell me its a double exposure, please !!!!! Peace.
  5. normally he'd have flown off, but he looks waterlogged, I bet he's hungry. I believe these should be protected by the govt as endangered species. they are beautiful. Its the only bird in america to compete with peacocks.

    I bet you got cold feet that day draunching around through the fields and woods.

    City Lights


    Futuristic, scene from new movie starring Tom Pit, The Minority

    Resort. Notice the layered landingdecks in the sky.you know, Club

    Dead. Now, if I can just get rid of these howling hemroids, I think I

    can sit long enough to create more art work. The Pistons cant buy a

    shot, they suck. Reggie Miller rules. Tom Foster deserves the game ball.

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