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Posts posted by marco_ioannucci1

  1. Why is there a color shift from the top to the bottom of the image?


    because I like it! :-)) Is similar, in my opinion, to old war card or adventures card. Things like - Treasure chest, Indiana Jones. I don't speak well in english, I apologize

  2. Hi! thanks for the lesson, I like it! I'll try to play with food. It's my way naturally! A bank in front of the subject and a costruction of black polystirene around the figure. A second light for the background. The "food" is a plastic prop painted with fake blood and glitterized with glycerine. I have done also make up artist. I hope that you like it, best regards<div>009yHO-20272584.jpg.8bc0eda009d215777fec769e5a9ec453.jpg</div>
  3. Dedolight is a quarz lamp of 150 watt. In this case I don't care of colour temperature, but dedo has a blue filter in glass that stoles two stop or a simple blue gel to put in front of the lamp that stoles one stop.

    Dedo has the possibility to mount an obiective in front of it. 75 mm is like normal, but if you want and have money, you can buy wideangle, zoom o tele to modify the light

    the obiective is mounted over a sort of bayonet


  4. Ok,traslated by myself. I appreciate your words and understand my mistakes. I disagree too the highlight of the bank, on the bottle. Next time i'll put a screen between the glass and the bank and a glittering card behind the bottle (illuminated obviously). If you like it, I can post other photograph. best regards
  5. Hi. My name is Marco and I'm italian. My english is very bad. I

    apologize for this.

    This is a still life of mine. I'm a beginner obviously. I've catch the

    idea from an american photographer, but then remixed with my ideas.

    I've used Dedolight and studio flash togheter.

    I have used Dedo on the apple, from right at the same height of the

    fruit, with obiective 75mm focused on it. If anyone is curious to see

    dedo in action, that is the right stuff!

    I hope that this will be useful

    best regards<div>009uYQ-20191084.jpg.33c786f75a7c2b1318da45398fc1ea2f.jpg</div>

  6. Hi. I'm apologize you for my poor english, but I try to explain

    however. I've bought a L-608 and when I try to use it with studio

    flashes and cable, the meter don't work properly. Sometimes, when I

    press the button, the flash work with the regular light emission and

    I find the properly exposition. Many other times the meter don't

    work with cable and the flash don't shoot his light. I have five

    cords, old and news, but the problem there is with all of them. The

    first meter, that I have sold, don't had this problem. I have tried

    again now. The camera work fine with the cord, the meter work

    properly on time on ten.If I use the sekonic without the cable, also

    with the flashes, all work properly. It's normal? I should came back

    the L-608? There is a tricky that I don't know? Thanks a lot and

    happy new year.

  7. Hi. I'm apologize you for my poor english, but I try to explain

    however. I've bought a L-608 and when I try to use it with studio

    flashes and cable, the meter don't work properly. Sometimes, when I

    press the button, the flash work with the regular light emission and

    I find the properly exposition. Many other times the meter don't

    work with cable and the flash don't shoot his light. If I use the

    sekonic without the cable, also with the flashes, all work properly.

    It's normal? I should came back the L-608? There is a tricky that I

    don't know? Thanks a lot and happy new year. Marco

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