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dawn devoe

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Image Comments posted by dawn devoe


    Jason, I do like the contour. Its surface of her two front teeth they seem rough. I'm wondering if maybe its something related to resizing for the web.



    Jayme, I was able to capture some images close to this. I'm really glad you encouraged me to try again. :) I actually got a new all time favorite photograph of Isobel. :) I'm not sure if I prefer it in color or b/w. It is the one where she looks like she is thinking of some kind of trouble to get into.


    I bribed her with "being the director". She set up a bunch of shots and told me when to take the picture. I put those along with the ones for me in a folder called "light and crop". I was very aware of stepping back and allowing for cropping in PS. I also set up a "rule of thirds" grid that comes up when I open a picture. It seems to make it easier to see a potential crop, that follows that rule.


    Thanks again for everything,


    Being Coy


    I have a light meter too. I use it every once in a while but I find it is not always accurate. I usually end up with overexposed images and end up dialing around the aperature until it looks right.


    A diagram is a great idea. I think I'll do that. Why fix what isn't broken or try to reinvent the wheel, right? :)


    I used a saturation/hue adjustment layer for the conversion. I lowered the saturation until it was not quite black and white. It was one of my first attempts at converting to b/w with something other than grayscale. :)





    I really like the heavy contrast, Jason. The only thing that bothers me are her teeth. I wonder if there is a way to smooth(I can't think of a better word.) them out a little.





    Jason, thank you for the critique. I enjoy many of you images. :)


    Jayme, thank you for the visual! I just took this image into photoshop along with the one you posted and I played around with it like you suggest and then made a snapshot and flipped back and forth between the two and this really adds great impact to it!


    I really really can't express how much I appreciate your input. :)





    Jayme, you have no idea how much your critques today have helped me! This was taken with 1 AB800 at camera right. I keep telling myself to take a step back and crop as PP but I am always worried that the eyes will be soft if I do. I also have trouble seeing a good crop on a wider shot. Does that make sense? Does that get easier with time? If I can bribe her, I will try this shot again.


    Thank you so much!



    Being Coy


    Jayme. I will bring this image back into PS and have another go at it. This and all of the pictures in this folder were taken with hot lights. My husband bought them for me for Christmas. I used them for several months and then got frustrated with the results when I attempted hi-key (the folder with my son Alex). I researched lights here on PN and bought Alien Bees in March. I'm having much better results with those.


    Thanks for taking the time to give me feedback. I really appreciate it!





    Jayme, you have an eye for taking the mundane and turning it into art! I love the texture and the light you captured here.


    You are an inspiration to me!



  1. Great shot! I also like the next image, with the window open. He seems so relieved that the rain has finally stopped. I think we've all felt that way.


    Take care,





    Love it! This brings back a memory of my now 5 yr old covered in "stickers" (stamps), when she was 2.5 yrs old. Beautiful little girl with great fashion sense. ;)


    Take Care,



    Last Dance II


    I found your picture through Jayme's folder. It reminds me of something John Singer Sargent would have painted. This is simply beautiful.


    Take care,




    I really like this one, Elaine! It's a nice addition to your Abbey folder. I wish I could get some nice portraits of my special kiddo, like you have of Abbey.



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