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Image Comments posted by james_barber1



    I hope I'm not treading on any super-skateboarding photo pro's when I say this, but I think this is the most beautiful skateboarding photograph I've ever seen


    Nicely done

  1. No, I didn't ask for the shot. I had my camera on the table, and she asked me for a shot. I took a stream of about 4 or five images, and they were all boring shots. So I sat back and waited. She was laughing at her friend outside when I shot this.


    I used 1600 ISO, f2.8, 1/90 (on Aperture Priority - which i use most)


    I emailed her the photo, and she seems quite happy with it.

  2. Meteora, this particular monestary is a favourite amoung photographers. This is one photograph of the place that is out of the ordinary - I have a feeling this will stick in my mind for a while.


    Congrats on an very atmospheric original photograph.

    Speed Racer


    Great tones and expression captured as always. You kept me waiting for this new photo :)


    I see what she means by 'looks fast', something to do with the slant of the eyes... The hair blowing back is a nice addition

    Flower Unfolding


    I feel perhaps the framing doesn't give a lot of 'looking space' to

    the flower, or is that just a portraiture foible influencing my

    reading of it?


    Also I'm still getting the hang of this awesome macro lens, so what

    do you think of the Depth of field?



    Whip Me


    I would ask a furthur question: Is pornography not art? You see, art is a broad, nebulous term - it cannot be pinned down... Guess it comes down to personal opinion.


    I think this is a good photo. There is something about it which lifts it from mainstream porn I think...



    I'm surprised at how closely some people look at these - then again, maybe a trained eye picks up some things very quickly.


    I'm very impressed with the lighting, works well on the face and shoulder. I think its a very good photo.

    Macro Eye


    I finally got my 10D, and this killer macro lens. While not the most

    original photo of a cat, it is slightly less often seen no?


    What do you think?

    Lion Cubs #2


    I don't know about it being too dark - maybe i'm just a sucker for shadows, cause i like the fringe backlighting on the cub's head...


    I like this shot a lot, i think a fill flash would have made it textbook standard.



    I don't find it dark at all, maybe check your screen brightness?


    I like the non-conventional cropping (lots of headroom). Its refreshing seeing something that doesn't conform rigidly to the 2/3rd's mumbo-jumbo. It definitely works here, kind of gives the head space some electricity.

    NU_000046 (repost)


    Ignoring the content for a moment; I feel this is an excellent piece of art: It makes people talk. It enflames emotion, goes against the grain of some people. Controversy is often good, like a democratic opposition-party for the mind.


    As a footnote, is it really so wrong? It almost certainly was not exploitatively shot. We no longer live in a victorian society...


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