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Image Comments posted by corrie_o

  1. Thanks for taking the time for giving me input on this. I also don't find this shot very interesting but had a few people comment on it while I was playing around in ps and decided what the heck.


    I agree that a top view would be much more interesting. I'm heading back over there for spring break and will have to drink many beers to find the perfect bottle cap to use in the shot. I'm thinking maybe one of the Widmer prost caps...lol.


    Thanks again...and the check's in the mail!



    Just for fun

    Yes, the Bush was really on the sign-it is someone else's political statement although I find the numerous interpretations amusing. We were pulling into Cannon Beach and saw this on the first stop-sign coming into town. I told my boyfriend to turn around so I could photograph the sign and it was also on the sign going the opposite direction-which is what this is a picture of. I took this from passenger window. Cheers, Corrie

    Me again


    Thanks for the comments-I can use all of the help I can get! If I would have been paying more attention when I did this, I would have sharpened the nose a teeny bit.




    When you are avoiding studying for an anatomy and physiology exam

    and have a new graphics tablet you want to play with.

    Comments/critiques welcome.

  2. I really wanted to do more with this in PS-bring out the eyes more

    and even out the texture int he skin-but I thought I was jut too

    tired. Then I thought maybe just leaving this how it is will

    portray how tired I am more realistically. Comments, critiques


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