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renee dookwah

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Image Comments posted by renee dookwah



    Images like yours are my favorite to view. your the simple lighting and relaxed posing is exactly what i try to achieve in my photos.Plus the knee crop doesn't bother me...but that's just my opinion.

    What does it really take to be this good?



    I'm sort of partial to B&W, and i like this shot it is clear hides all her blemishes as B&W should but I'm thinking that the background is a bit distracting. I mean she is beautiful and that takes my attention away from her face a bit. But it is a very nice shot.



    Thanks so much for your comments it's been a real ego booster. I feels good to know that others like what i do. I hope i can get some more on this photo cause I'm going to use it in my portfolio to apply to a college. So feel free to add your thoughts.


    Thanks again




    Any comments would be greatly appricated. I'm truly considering

    applying to a college to enhance my interests in art and photography

    and any suggestions about that would also be appricated.


    This is a gasping photo. I love, and you just gave me an idea for a product shot. I love the fact that if you look really close you could see more and more things creeping up in the photo. thanks for the inspiration.


    I've always loved photos of angels and angles wings. I'm not too sure that the lighting color would have been my personal choice but that's just me. Simple soft lighting might have done it for me, but you do show the subject well. Does the person who makes the wings have a website in case one would want to order as props?


    Thank you for the comments, the lighting for this shot was just natural light from the sun, miday light well about 2pm. I used a white cloth as a backdrop and tried to position it where the sun was bouncing off the cloth to sort of get some backlighing.I had to do some editing on Paint Shop to get the extra spills out. Thanks again for the comments, hope to get some more.



    A simple photo of wedding things lit with natural light from a

    window. Shot in B&W but altered a bit with PaintShop to get an aged


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