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Image Comments posted by walter_beattie



    This section of the Appalachian trail is in New Jersey and very close to New York.

    This boardwalk goes over a swampy area. I am not crazy about the unremarkable sky and thought about manipulating or cropping it. I thought I would just let it stand on its own.

  1. I love this photo. I can imagine a familiy spending their whole life in this place. Climbing those stairs day after day, footsteps echoing off the walls. Aging ever so slowley until they are gone. Their spirits are still haunting this place.

    Perfect Smile

    I would like to thank you all for your critiques. I do agree with all of you. I just bought a Pentax PZ-1 and this picture is from the first roll out of the camera. I have to agree that everything looks good but the lighting. I will have to invest in a good flash.

    Spider...MAN ??

    Another great shot Miguel. Your photos are very crisp and clear. One of these days when I have some extra cash I think I will purchase the lens you are using for my Canon 300D. Keep up the good work !



    This photo was taken with my trusty old Pentax Me Super that is close

    to thirty years old. Lens is the very sharp 50mm 1.4. This photo was

    not manipulated in any way. Feel free to comment.

  2. I put a version of this photo up for critiqe and quit frankly there

    are some things I didn't like about it. The main thing was that it

    looked like my right leg was too short when I took the photo. Nobody

    complained but it bothered me that the photo looked like it was going

    down hill. Someone did not like the blue tint to the photo but I kind

    of like it. I corrected both of these problems and now I am putting

    this one up for critiqe. If you have the time take a look at the other

    version in my folder named Early One Morning and tell me what you

    think. Thanks

  3. Thanks for the comment and I don't mind at all. The effect was intentional. I shot it with the white balance set on florescent to give it that blue tone.

    I do like how you corrected the color and would like to hear other opinions on which image people like better.

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