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Posts posted by jw_nelson

  1. I would. In fact, try Fuji Velvia pushed one stop too (Fuji colors are a little more saturated).


    You're gonna find out that you'll be shooting contrary to the rule of thumb (shooting at a speed equal to or greater than the focal length of your lens... that is, at 300mm you need to shoot at 1/500th).


    I photographed humpbacks while at Maui, Hawaii and was always compromising the speed (but shooting wide open), but I think for the most part I pulled it off. I have a few shots on my web site at:




    Click on galleries... then the whale icon. Most were taken using Fuji Velvia (50iso) pushed to 100iso. Some were taken using Fuji Provia(?) rated at 100iso, pushed to 200iso.


    Don't use filters, especially a polarizer... they rob too much light! Take care of salt spray though (wipe off lens often) and clean everything thoroughly when you get back to shore. Be sure to use lens hoods... the sun can be really bright out there.


    Best of luck... have fun!

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