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nathan w

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Image Comments posted by nathan w

    Cross processed


    Super, super super. What the heck is cross-processing? I love the results! Only beef is the blown-out sky... but that is very minor. Perhaps seeing it printed down a half-stop would lose the punch in the eyes of the viewer.


    Nice work!



    Well... it was very late when I made that comment... didn't realize that the toes and blanket were already there. I like it more, now that you pointed out that it was already the way I wanted it... ? (What's happening to my brain?)


    This is one of the few prints that I've actually taken to 16x20 on 20x24 paper. Printing large is so very difficult. It looks reasonably good at that size, although not nearly as good as other's 16x20's I've seen. No excuses though. Edward Weston's gear was worn out, but he overcame it with inspiration and hard work...


    Best to you, and thanks again for the encouragement.







    Hi Oistein...


    Well, my apology for making you comment twice before I have said thanks. Thanks.


    You know, I was just looking at this in thumbnail size and I realized I would like it more if the bottom of the blanket wasn't cut off. I'd like to see the toes of her boots, too. Maybe next time. Good luck with the photography, happy shooting over the holidays. I would guess it's going to be very wintry-like where you are. I'll be heading into the Cascade Mountains for a family get-together at the little sister's little house in the big woods. Any plans for a photo assignment soon? Or perhaps some are already in progress.


    Best light to you,



  1. Thanks for the comment, you're right of course, very simple. Regarding the print... I kinda like it blown out. And I also like how the young woman is sort of easily missed. Thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't actually thought of it that way before...but I've always wondered what was on her heart that day, when I view the print.






  2. spent some time thinking about how to make a sharp neg of this with 1/250th and f11 and no auto-focus. Tripod mount the camera, and I think you could pre-focus the camera at a plane that fits the composition, and hopefully have at least 36 exposures of jumps.


    If you don't mind, I think I'll do a dive series next summer... good stuff!



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