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Posts posted by donna_allgaier_lamberti

  1. One more female nature photographer's opinion....I believe we are out there shooting. But the difficulty is in getting out work purchased. For those of us who have had husbands, kids, fulltime jobs etc. it difficult if not impossible to do it all. For myself, I had to pretty much put the nature work (with the exception of an annual week long photo workshop and shooting trip) on hold until mid 40's. So I concentrated on perfecting my craft and working at photojournalism in the meantime.




    Now, kids grown, husband # 2, is an amateur photographer himself, we often shoot together. But I frequently shoot alone. I am not afraid to go into the woods alone. I am prudent but do not fear. In fact, my experience (some 30 years as I started photographing at age 17) is that I am safer in the wilderness than in some cities. My experience has been the crazies do not frequent the wilderness.




    Anyway, I find its an issue of experience and opportunity. It is being addressed finally. I have freelanced for newspapers for 15-18 years. I have had difficulty being taken seriously, but then I had difficulty being taken seriously as a woman owned business owner and a Rotarian as well.




    There is a group of female nature photographers who ban together each year for a workshop to educate and share. That is what we need more of!!




    I have been known to practically attach myself to any female photographer I come into contact with. I am always looking for anyone male or female who wants to go out to shoot.




    Another good way is to take photo classes at local art center as I have done for 15-18 years. I meet others interested in photograph there.




    If anyone is traveling through Michigan and needs a shooting partner give me a e-mail message. I know Michigan inside and out!!





  2. Hope I'm not too late.... I just returned from a 9 day photo trip to Oregon. I flew into Portland and traveled south to Crater Lake. The trip down took me along winding rivers and past lovely waterfalls.

    It was VERY picturesque and well worth photographing.




    I spent three days in Crater Lake (not nearly long enough!)aand found the area spectacular. I got there just at the end of fall and on the cust of winter. By Oct. 5 winter had arrived. They get 500 feet of snow inthe winter!! I shot sunrise to sunset. I spent three days hiking and exploring. I seriously recommend Annies Creek Canyon and Lost Lake. Like most National Parks you could easily spend two weeks there and only hit the surface.




    Traveled up the coast, shot lighthouses and shorelines, shorebirds. MET a very friendly juvenile seagull who posed for food. Great closeups! Ditto for Cannon Beach comments. I shoot a lot of infrared film, 4 1/2 by 6" square format black and white and of course Fugi velvia color slides.




    Back up to Portland. Visited Rose Garden, Japanease Gardens, (infrared and B&W of course. Spent two days along the Gorge...again not enough time!!




    Have written a travel piece for newspaper (aka Words and Pictures) if anyone is interested.




    Hope this help!!





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