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Posts posted by torbjxrn_aase1

  1. <p>I have had a similar problem, and I think it was caused by bad contacts between the camera and finder. The shutter sometimes just fired at 1/500. The problem was solved by pressing the finder down with one finger. I replaced it with a rotary finder and a hanheld lightmeter.</p>
  2. This is a problem with shutters made before ca 1954. On my Automat 4 (1951 - 1954)I can not set the shutter to 1/500 when the shutter is cocked. On the next model, the MX-EVS (1954 - 1956), the problem is fixed. On my 2.8F from 1960 there is no problem to set the shutter to 1/500 after it is cocked.


    If you have a 2.8F, there is no problem.


    Torbjxrn Aase

  3. Another advantage with MF is the price. Because film is more expensive in MF than 35mm, I cannot afford to make so many bad shots. I put more work in each shot, and get better pictures with MF than 35mm.


    Torbjxrn Aase

  4. I have used some rolls Ektachrome 100 Plus with expiry date about 2 years ago. The result was good, maybe with a very little cyan tint.


    Another roll of Ektachrome about 10 years past expiry date gave a very visible magenta tint.


    Torbjxrn Aase

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