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Image Comments posted by johnlshirey

    cloud sky

    You did an excellent job on capturing a dramatic sky, and setting a gloomy mood with the building. I would like to see what is hiding in the shadows though. Also if I had the opportunity to take a shot like this I would have used a slightly longer exposure to blur the clouds a little bit, but that is strictly personal preference.

    Non taken

    I love photos like this, good contrast, and symmetry really draw the eye. It is lacking in strong colors though. Overall a very good shot that is under appreciated on this site.



    This is actually a series of 2 shots a top, and bottom seamlessly stitched in Photoshop. Exposure was 10 sec@ f 22 with a no.9 neutral density filter a linear polarizer, and a pastel filter all by Cokin. While the sun is very bright in the picture it was in reality hidden directly behind a tree. It took about 20 exposures on my digital rebel (10 top & 10 bottom) to get the correct exposure. If I were trying to duplicate this shot with a film camera. I would have used exposure bracketing, and shot 10 shots in 1/2 ev. increments. I hope the technical details help


  1. This is a very creative image, and I might say daring on photo.net. I feel like it will get undeserved bad reviews reguardless of it's reckless origanallity. If it does try taking the shot again then join the images into one coherent image in photoshop when you have a perfectly blended image cut it up and frame the seperated pictures then recombine them in an artistic order.


    I use a tonkia 19-35 most of the time with my rebel D that gives me the equivalent of 30 mm thru 56 mm for my animal photos I use the tamron 200mm-400mm f5.6 the vivid saturation is the product of raw image manipulated by photo shop
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