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aol im tranquil222

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Image Comments posted by aol im tranquil222


    Yeah, I cropped her feet out because I found the to be a distraction to what I thought was the composition I was seeing...although i'm already thinking of engineering that flare out of there. Thanks for the critique!
  1. I love it...although I would have focused the lens on the eyes and teased as much detail out of them as possible..they are beautiful eyes though. The dark halo around them really draws you in, but its kind of hard to stay interested in the eyes once you see that they're out of focus, you start looking at the skin...dont know if thats what you were going for, but somehow even though there is such hard contrast in the skin, you know it IS a female, so it really gets the point across! I think I would have smoothed out the skin a bit though personally. The Red channel in Photoshop works wonders for such things if you took the original in color...


    Very pretty pose; very pretty model. I would never smooth out the skin that much though. Some of it is a matter of preference(I love the texture of skin), and some of it is a matter of your execution of technique. I think the smoothing is way too extreme, if you're wanting to smooth, and the fact that the eyes and hair are so sharp makes it really noticable. Other than that, this is a gorgeous shot, color and composition wise, i'd just go back to photoshop and tone down or change the alterations. Congrats!

    Sunset in Phuket

    I love the colors and tonal range of this...which makes me wonder, is this an alterd daytime shot?--It doesn't seem like you'd get this intense of a sunrise/sunset with the sun as high as it is. Just being nitpicky, but looking at this, it's just amazing....

    Ojo Egipcio

    I really like the reflection on the eye...I don't know what you were going for, but it seems to me like cropping out the white space on the right would result in a stronger composition.


    Are you selling prints of this?! Seriously, my email is questiomark22 @ hotmail . com (spaces added to avoid spambots). Get back with me on this.


    The sharpening is kind of extreme. A beautiful tree, but kind of confused as to the location. Is that a road next to it? I don't know where else to look. Kind of confusing.

    Aspen Gold

    It's not difficult to get this kind of shot with the right lens. Don't get me wrong, I love the colors, I really don't see anything outstanding about this shot.

    On Track

    I personally like this image quite a bit, and disagree with a couple of the critiques saying that the overcast sky does not make it look good. I live in a part of the world (Portland, Oregon, USA), that is constantly overcast, and I think that trying to capture all of the world in a non-overcast light would be misrepresenting the world that I live in. I also like the tracks being out of focus, I like the way it moves my eye along it. Good stuff!
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