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Posts posted by eddie_now

  1. I purchased several SLR cameras of various makes in the '60s and '70s. Of all of them including Canon, Minolta, Petri, Konica, etc. only the Petri FT has continued working as new without a CLA or repairs of any kind. It wears a 1.4 lens and I have a Tamron 300mm lense for wildlife work. The Petri FT has been with me on canoe trips in the North country, African safaris, and numerous adventures here in Oregon. It is my favorite SLR.
  2. I don't know why anyone would clone a Petri 7s, especially since they're available on Ebay for peanuts. I have one, which I bought for $5.00 ( a 2.8 lense) that takes great photos and the selenium meter is deadly accurate. Took it to Disneyland a few years ago and got some very sharp photos. The camera is very light weight which makes it good for backpacking.
  3. I purchased my first Canon Pellix in the PX while stationed in Vietnam in 1969. The mylar (very thin) mirror deteriorated within 10 years making the camera (except for lense) useless. Canon Camera company wouldn't fix it and neither would a number of camera repair shops I contacted. In 2004 I contacted Walter's Camera Repair in Los Angeles, CA. They came up with a brand new mirror with support bracket, installed it, did a CLA and shipped the Pellix back to me for $95.00! The camera is as good as new and works at least as well as my Canon FTs. Most of the EBAY Pellix cameras have a damaged mylar pellicle mirror. If a photographer tries to clean it as he would a regular SLR....it's shot!


    By the way, I determined excessive heat also plays a part in the mirror's demise. Leaving a Pellix in a hot car in Arizona is a no no!

  4. I'm still using my Aires Viscount with 1.9 lense thanks to Walter's Camera Repair located in L.A. You can easily find their website. They specialize in servicing vintage cameras that most shops would refuse. Walter's also buys vintage cameras for parts.


    Not one for keeping cameras that don't work, I have sent them numerous cameras. Mail them your camera, along with a note describing what's wrong with it and they will send you a price for repairing it, along with return shipping.

  5. As far as the Aires Camera Company goes the company folded early in the 1960s and this is a shame, because they produced some of the nicest cameras for the money that have ever been produced. My first real camera was an Aires Viscount with 1:2.8 lens. I purchased it while my Dad was stationed in Japan in 1960. Over the next 10 years I took some of the best photos I've ever taken...even when compared to the best of the SLRs, which I was also very fortunate to own. The camera was stolen from me in Vietnam while I was on assignment there. I recently obtained another (1.9 lens) and have taken some fabulous photos with it.
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