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Image Comments posted by fv



    A simple one is double color/saturation mask


    1st one in color mode, with color pushed almost 100% on the left (to be tuned later)


    2nd in normal mode, with saturation 100% on the left


    Then add a first S curve, then a second curve to push light, with optionally a mask to avoid pushing too much on with clothes


    Then a new layer filled with a pattern from a TMax (or any other film you like), blended in overlay mode


    Attached to the scan layer, a contrast/brightness layer configured to your taste.



    All that is scriptable an the same script is OK for 90% of the situations.



    For best (but time consuming) job, duplicate the initial layer and take a clone stamp with 30% covering, a 90 px soft brush. Alt-Click to define the center of the best lighted chick, then click very close to this center (inside the circleof the brush) and start moving the pen around the face so that you smoothly blend the pixels without loosing the skin texture. Finally put this layer at 65% opacity.


    That's it !


    I like the idea, anyway the frame is too present for me, the picture doesn't "breathe". Maybe a slightly larger crop would have worked. A good idea that can be reused with variations !
  1. The thumbnail look nice, the quality of the pic isn't as good as it could have been:


    - Very good idea, dynamic crop

    - Rough extract of the subjects in photoshop: the border is too much noticable, especially on the women's hair, you should feather a lot more the selection.






    The more I look at this picture, the more I like it.


    To my amateur opinion one of the best wedding pics I've seen on photo.net


    So GREAT !

    Pier wedding




    Could evan be greater with a wider angle, closer from the couple to make them bigger compare to the crowd. And standing slighly lower so that the horizon on the right is hidden (more "pure" lines).



    Anyway great ideau and comp !



    For me the the horizon distacts from the faces, and especially the burned zones in the sky.


    In fact the horizon might not be a pb, if this burned zone on the upper left weren't there: I only see it !


    The idea's there but needs to be matured.


    Anyway good pic !


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