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Posts posted by codepic

  1. Just a quick question,


    I am about to buy a Raynox DCR-CF185Pro 185? Circular Fish-Eye 

    Conversion Lens which should work fine with the stock EF-S 18-55 USM

    lense that shipped with my rebel. I do believe this is the only way

    of getting a true 180 degree fov with 300D or am I mistaken?


    Manufacturer's site: <a




    Also, if anyone has experiences of this conversion lense, please

    share. I might add that I'm getting it shipped for 310? ~ 376.726

    USD which should make it nicely priced 180...


    The lense will be used for shooting java and qtvr based 360x180

    degree online virtual tours...



  2. That happened to me years ago when I was studying in Helsinki polytechnics. Our school homepage background suddenly changed to a porn image. The cause was found on the proxy server's cache. It had corrupted and the said background image was changed to the pr0n photo. So it sounds to me it's a local cache problem.
  3. I think more white would be needed to have more light in the shot. I guess making the bacground gradient from deep blue on the top to almost white on the bottom would add more light in the shot...


    P.S. You can even paint white behind the glass to get more light... Behind the glass the white won't probably show but I guess it adds refractions to bring out the details...

  4. As the monitor itself emits light, it is probably a pretty weird lighting situation. I had the camera about 120cm away from the monitor and the glass about 30-40cm away from the monitor. The room was almost dark. If you look at the details of the photo I posted as an example, you should find pretty good details of the camera settings used. Check them out to avoid wasting film.


    I am going to experiment with different colors and backdrops. They'll be available in my portfolio...

  5. Hi everyone,


    Last night I was exploring with the capabilities of my new 300D and

    I wanted to shoot a clear and simple shot of a glass filled with

    water just to see how it performs. I didn't have any special

    equipment for the shot so I gathered together what I have in the



    Using photoshop in full screen mode as a backdrop and a box on the

    table covered with a 30x30 cm mirror, I achieved pretty much what I

    was looking for.


    Here's an example of what I got: <a





    I was wondering if anyone has tried this before. Any experience? All

    in all, I found out it's a pretty nice approach as it lets me to

    have EXACTLY what I want on the background. I can even adjust the

    broghtness & contrast of my monitor if I want so. If the color of

    the backdrop doesn't suit my needs, I just change it. If I want some

    details on the background, I'll have it. If I want a scenery behind

    the object, I just go outside and shoot it, come back and open it in

    the photoshop.


    I'm planning to do some more testing and attach a laptop to my

    camera so I can do remote shooting and operate the camera without

    touching it. I have a wireless mouse and a keyboard so I'm planning

    to work on the backdrop wirelessly. So that if I need to move

    something in the background, I don't need to touch the glass, the

    mirror or anything and I can view through the camera while working.


    I'd like to discuss about what others think of the approach. If

    anyone has tried this before and if the technique has any serious

    flaws. Thank you.

  6. You didn't mention what software you use to handle and show the RAW images. As far as I know, you can't just view the RAW images in windows shell. If you even use Windows...


    I think there's Digital camera raw file support for Photoshop. It lets you control the output of the conversion.


    When you shoot JPEGs, the camera handles the conversion. When you shoot RAWs, your software of choice handles the conversion. Differences in the conversion functions and routines in the software will definitely lead to having a hue of some sorts...


    Here's an example.<br><br><center><img src="http://www.sphoto.com/techinfo/images/rawconverters/acr2_c1/sunset_cmp100prcnt.jpg"><br>

    Left to right Capture One, Adobe Camera Raw 2.0 and Adobe Camera Raw 2.2</center>


    As you can see, even Adobe has variation between versions.. It's all about default settings. You'll have to change them (and save them).

  7. Although I was speaking about the issue in general, not like what should I get; D300 or D20, I really much appreciate your answers and you managed to go through some similar thoughs as I did when pondering between the D300 and D20.


    I'm not much sure about what I am going to shoot in the future. Really. I haven't spent too many years with camera and I guess it shows on my portfolio. So I'm more like learning my ways and seeking my style than knowing exactly what I want.


    I used to have a G3. And the unfortunate mishap is that it's stolen now :( Well I lost my heart for photography with the camera and I am seeking a new and better one. I took the G3 because I knew a compact wouldn't serve me more than 2 months. This is why I went for the G3. I was happy with it for a year, then gradually started craving for a DSLR. Digital Rebel to be exact. I'm not going to buy the camera just for 'point and shoot' -like having fun. I'm also going to do some product shooting with it as I am also in the web business and setting up web stores for my clients. For this, I think both D300 and D20 are ok. I will also deliver the high res photos for the clients on a CD or DVD, this got me thinking about the camera more seriously. In addition to the fact that I got my first real camera in age of 26 while I started wanting one in the age of 14. I just didn't want to buy just any camera so I waited for 12 years until I got the G3. Call me insane for wasting 12 years of photography but it's my way of doing things :)


    Anyway, it seems like the fps wouldn't matter too much to me. The noise, well I hate it, but I think I can bare it besides for the product shots I can always use lower ISO and good lighting to avoid noise.


    I could now buy the D300, put the modded firmware in and activate the features that are useful fot me in it. Spare the extra to a good lens and maybe in 1 or 2 years, get a new (and better) body...


    Vanilla D300 isn't probably what I want but a hacked one could be the one for me. Plus a good lens.


    Thanks for the responses. I would love to thank you all in person but I'll just send you one BIG thanks and you guys can share it :)

  8. Quote from the above mentioned site:

    "FACTOID: Did you know your 10D and 300D run DOS? That's right. Embedded in the camera is DataLight's ROM-DOS. In fact, if you use the right tool such as s10sh you can see that inside the camera is an A: and B: drive. On the A: drive reside command.com and autoexec.bat, and most interestingly, camera.exe."

  9. I've been thinking between 300D and 20D. This is an old question and

    I've been reading threads about other people asking the same. A 20D

    is still a bit too steep price for me to pay but 300D lacks some

    features I'd like to see in my camera.


    Until there's a hacked firmware


    I read the dpreview.com in-depth reviews on 300D, 10D and 20D and

    found that those cameras root from the same family. The in-depth

    review for 300D also kindly explained in the conclusion WHY Canon

    crippled 300D leaving some cool features out.


    So I ended up thinking that someone must have gone around this. I've

    flashed quite a lot of hardware with hacked firmwares so I thought

    300D wouldn't be an exception.


    I think I was right:



    I haven't tried it, it seems quite working, I'm still pondering

    though between 300D and 20D but I thought I'd like to discuss about

    it with you guys...


    Multiple people can always draw the pros and cons more effectively

    than I alone...


    So the question is as the title says...


    20D or 300D with modded firmware?


    Thanks in advance...

  10. I've been on PN since I bought my camera last summer and I've been

    seriously in love with the service. A thought rose into my mind when

    I was thinking how could I support the site and it's development more.


    Without going into too much of details I'll just say the thought I

    had and I would like it very much if we'd have a decent speculative

    discussion of it here...


    The thought: "I definitely would mark some of my photos with

    permissions to be sold by PN if the funds would go to keep up this

    service and a stock photo service was added on the site. Considering

    this wouldn't change the site too much..." (example: <a

    href="http://www.photos.com" target="_blank">www.photos.com</a>)


    <b>Discuss please</b>

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