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Posts posted by terry_mctigue

  1. I have a Hahnemeuhle digital folio album and wish to print on both sides of

    paper. I imagine that with the offset for the screws I would increase the canvas

    size on the left hand side for the first print and then turn the paper over and

    for the next print increase the canvas size to the right. I am using 2400

    printer. Is this correct. Thanks for any info

  2. Hi, perhaps someone can help me with the following. I print on a 2400

    with K3 standard inks on Hahnemuhle photo Rag. For my personal use I

    hate prints framed behind glass because of the reflections. I have

    some prints framed as per normal except I put the glass behind the

    print to get it out of the picture. In other words the actual print is

    open to the atmosphere. Should I use one of the print shield sprays I

    read about. If so, do these have any effect on colours etc.



  3. Hello All, I am trying to print a panorama made by stitching 7

    overlapping photos and the final size is 8" wide by 70" long. When I

    go to the print with preview box and set everything up, using the roll

    paper option, the preview print comes up showing only half the print.

    I have tried this numerous times. Do you think it could be a lack of

    memory? I have 1gig. I am using a 1270. the final file size is 160meg.

    Any help much appreciated.


  4. Andy, I have used a 1270 since they first came out. I have had no problems except when I didn't use it for a long period and the black ink nozzle blocked and could not be cleaned. I had to have a new print nozzle fitted. I suggest that you try a series of nozzle checks one after the other and see if there is any difference in each. If there is, and nozzle cleaning won't fix this I would be back to Epson like a shot for a new printer. Terry
  5. I have a Nikon LS30 (old Tech now) and have scanned many slides and negatives over the last few years. Recently I bought a 300D with the kit lens and also a 50mm 1.8 and the 70-200L zoom. I could not be happier than I am now with the digital Canon. The LS30 will only scan at 2700 but when you blow up to A4 the noise is obvious. I know we can put these images through software that will fix this, but after the time taken to scan, post process and then use noise reduction software on one image I could think of nothing worse than doing this for every image on film. I have no problems whatever with noise on the 300D and colours are good. I shoot in raw and you can batch process these while you are doing something else.
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