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Posts posted by eduardphoto

  1. Philip, I'm one of the engineers who implemented the imaging features in Windows Vista, and I'd like to kow more about the issues you are facing with getting RAW files to display.


    Vista *is* actually able to show RAW images. The first time you try to open a RAW file, Windows will take you to a page from which you'd be able to install the proper codec from the camera's manufacturer.


    If this doesn't work for you, please shoot me an email - I'd like to know more about this failure.

  2. @Nathan: errr whoops! Completely forgot people can browse this from work... Thanks for adding the warning!


    @Russel: This sounds close to the set I was thinking of. What shades of red, green and blue are you using? (color names, together with the brand of the paper would be fantastic)

  3. Jeff, the issue is with the "Automatic shut off" setting, which on the new 5Ds is turned off by default - that is, the camera never turns off.

    I switched that option to "2 minutes", and now the camera no longer drains the battery. Yep - it was that easy...

  4. Hey Jeff,


    I just received a new 5D (replacing another 5D I had for almost one year). The new body exposes the battery drain syndrome you're describing (under the exact usage pattern, I did not have any issues with my old body). Thus, it looks like there's an issue specific to the new 5D bodies.


    I was wondering if you found about any solutions for this problem - again...

  5. Thanks, Elan -I was wondering if anyone has specific info about the differences between the<ul><li><a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=cart&A=details&Q=&sku=152013&is=REG">Bogen / Manfrotto 3397B - Convertible Boom Stand</a> and </li><li><a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=cart_accessories&A=details&Q=&sku=200109&is=REG">Avenger A475 - Baby Combi- Boom Aluminum Stand</a> </li></ul> ...
  6. Hey folks,


    I'm looking at getting a confertible boom stand, and I drilled down to two

    almost identical stands: the

    <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?

    O=cart&A=details&Q=&sku=152013&is=REG">Bogen / Manfrotto 3397B - Convertible

    Boom Stand</a> and the <a


    O=cart_accessories&A=details&Q=&sku=200109&is=REG">Avenger A475 - Baby Combi-

    Boom Aluminum Stand</a>. <BR>

    The specs look pretty much identical, but there is a relatively significant

    price difference.

    <BR>Can anyone recommend one stand or the other? Any major differences between

    the two?

  7. It is news for me that shooting pro in public is subject to fines. Do you have details about this particular law/regulation? Does it apply only in Seattle? Would this still apply to TFP/TFCD (which is not exactly commercial use)? Regarding your suggestion, do you have more details/shots from the places (industrial districts/rural) you've mentioned?
  8. MyPublisher - Hardcover book with genuine 4-color offset printing for $29? And you can order just 1 book?! Something sounds odd here. Did anyone actually try their services? I thought offset printers require high volume in order to for the price to get in a decent range...
  9. The DO is good. It less sharper than the other 2, and the bokeh is not the greatest in the world. But it is small, lightweight, focuses fast enough, and gets more than decent quality images. (yes, the 70 is sharper, but it is also bulkier, heavier and shorter at the longer end)


    I wouldn't trade the 70-300 DO for any other zoom in that range.

  10. I know hyperzooms are not the best quality, but how bad are actually

    these 2 lenses?


    I currently cover that range (and more) with 17-40f/4L, 50f/1.8 and

    70-300 IS DO. I'm looking at getting some all-around lens for

    hiking, etc.


    How bad is the Sigma 18-200 compared with the 70-300DO? How about

    the Tamron?

  11. Thanks for the clarification, Bob. Still, what I'm seeing above is a horrible CA near the middle of the frame. It is visible on the screen even if resize the image down to 900x600 (see below), and I bet it will be visible as well on print. Is this normal for this lens/camera, or was I just lucky to get a bad copy?<div>00C8Ov-23404884.jpg.bbd3d4cbf7d716a3f56ec1bdedce2ef0.jpg</div>
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