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Posts posted by tkundu

  1. I'm no software developer, but I have noticed most complex electronic devices have a form of Reset.


    Sometimes it's a small button you have to press and hold for a few seconds, sometimes it's a menu selection, sometimes it's a 2 button press reset.


    Point being, they all have one. It doesn't mean they ALL have buggy software.


    Maybe one of your chips got a direct hit from a cosmic particle and it corrupted the code. A hard reset reloads that code afresh, and now it works.


    Your second phrase 'if this is a known problem', is relevant. It's not been reported before and that seems to mean it's specific to your camera, which a hard reset has fixed.


    Nothing for Nikon to fix.


    I think you are mixing up to situations;

    a) I have configured some setting and I want to reset back to original (I mean factory setting). This is when an user of the camera wants at his/her own will

    b) a code (rather buggy code as I insists to say), due to wrong logic keeps looping, in software term it called hanged. Yes, when you reset the code, it forces the operating system (in camera) tp reboot the code again abandoning what it was doing. This is hard reset.

    Having explaining the scenario, you should now accept this is as a buggy situation. And the hanging loop in the code should be fix (I mean the loop logic).

    Therefore, the statement "Nothing for Nikon to fix" is a very bold yet wrong statement.

    Again I reiterate "The software is buggy"

  2. You have not answered my question about which firmware version you are using. Unless you are using the latest, you have no complaint.


    By the way, I/O malfunctions not only hang cameras, you should see what it did to some of the mainframe computers I worked on. Programming I/O is a tricky business.


    By the way, since you feel so strongly about this problem, Have you reported it to Nikon yet?


    - About the version, if this is a kniow problem, Nikon should have already known about this issue and there should be a bug fixed. I am not sure, if latest version usage guarantee that the issue is fixed. NoI have not reported this issue.

    - I/O malfunction (no matter what kind of file-system used) I/O write should return an error code. Based on the error code, the upper layer, in this case the camera application should retry (for few times) then give up displaying the error code/message. Being a software developer for 4 decades and specifically in the fileld of operating system, this is definitely a bug in the software/bug. The infinite loop continues even without memory card (very funny). Programming I/O is buggy, if returned error is not handled properly.

  3. First, congratulations on solving your problem.


    I agree with Shun, and you, that r19 is not, per se, an error code (as I wrote above). However. a persistent r19 when it should be r20 means that for some reason. the camera did not write the buffer to the card and then clear the buffer. It hung either during the write or the clear operation.


    Did your card contain all the pictures you took that day or was the last one missing?


    The glitch could be due to the camera or the memory card. The camera should be able to recover from a write error, but the operative word is should.


    Last questions, what firmware version are you using? And are you using a XQD card or CFexpress card and which brand and card? Is it a supported memory card?


    Yes, I have all the picture I took.

    I am using Sony, XQD card. Just curious on one point, if I remove the batter and/or the memory card will it not get the programming running within Z6 will goes off too. When I put the battery back and turn on, it should start the camera program again. If that is true, surely, the camera save some state when we turn off the camera into some internal mos (persistent memory). I guess, that state got screwed up (for some reason). Therefore, the saved state is already messed up and when it get back to life, it goes back to the same messed up state.

    I sill believe, no matter how user of the camera configure it, the software should not hang to a bad state and Nikon should fix this.

  4. Thank you all for the responses. Few question you folks asked, let me answer'

    - I am using the original Zikon 24-70/4 S lens

    - I am getting r19 error

    - I took pictures 2 months back and reopened the camera and that's when it goes into this state

    Yes I understand the r n represents no of shot remaining and 3.1k is the memory left.

    However, I am sure this numbers are just bogus in this scenario. I changed the battery fullu charged, I see the same error with shutter locked

    I removed the memory card, same display.


    Here is the solution, I found it very hard way. I reset the camera settings, and restart the camera. It came back to life. Now I see r 20. I am pretty sure, this was a software bug the camera, went into a bad state, which persisted and no matter what you do (including on/off, battery, memory remove), it remains in an infinite loop. By the way, I have not done any complicate user defined setting or similar things.

    It is a stupid unsolved software/firmware bug. Nikon should solve.


    Thanks for all your support guys,


  5. My Nikon Z6 while trying to shoot picture, it is showing [r20] (at the bottom right most area, while half pressed the shutter. Otherwise, it showing [3.1]k. It is not allowing me to take picture. Anyone4 please help me out.
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