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joam boam

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Posts posted by joam boam

  1. I am currently experiencing the same issue with my mamiya 7/ II. Apparently is the circuit bolt, and this camera repair technician in this shop in LOndon is unable to find the parts. I can only hope now that Jonsons Photopia in Newcastle can do the job. I have not contacted them yet...Those with the same problem...was is very pricy to get it fixed? How did you get it sorted?
  2. Some more sites not mentioned before:


    Propice, of Frederic Lebain:




    Iowa, of Nancy Rexroth:




    The alternative camera project of Thomas Wenger in PhotoNet:




    And of course, you can always pay a visit to my page here in PN:





  3. You are right Bob, but Polaroid also builds cheap plastic cameras as the Joycam and the Polaroid One: quite soft focus (right, not as much as a Windsor or Holga), clear image distortion over one or two of the corners, pretty unhelpful viewfinder, and a unique aesthetics. If you post your Polaroids in such an alternative forum/ gallery, they are not going to be the regular family pics, but some artisty stuff.


    It is difficult to define an "Alternative" forum/ gallery. It has more to do with the "subjective criteria" I have described above, rather than just listing technical stuff and brands.

  4. Bob,


    We can define "Alternative camera" in so many ways. As long as brands are concern: Holga, Lomo, Windsor, Diana, Lubitel, and many others, even Polaroid. All these are known as "Toy cameras" or "Plastic cameras". Any homemade camera, i.e. pinhole, is bound to be considered as "alternative" as well. We can even consider alternative any regular body to which you have attached a homemade lens, no matter its complexity, or even the new Lensbaby thing. Technically speaking, they are a cheap plastic camera: light leaks, vigneting, soft focus, image distorsion, unaccurate viewfinder. Selfmade cameras and lenses can be made of any material you come across and find it useful.


    In a more subjective approach, you like taking pictures with an alternative camera because you value your artistic expression above technical considerations: it is all about the photograph, not the price of your gear, or your previous experience taking pictures.


    You can take a look at some "alternative" work displayed in PN. This is the Thomas Wenger Alternative Camera Project with several links to very interesting photographers:



  5. Why not both? It will be always up to the photographer to exhibit his work into the mainstream categories or forum. Having both a category and a forum will make it easier for alternative camera photographers to get to know other people doing this type of work. Right now is just a matter of luck to come across it. Other people approaching the category at least will have to use different criteria to comment or rate, as all work exhibited is sharing the same technical issues. I think the homemade/ toy camera ratings go clearly beyond the technical stuff in order to assess its quality, you know that. Having its own category and forum, It will at least guarantee that users are fond of that sort of photography.
  6. Should a new category be created for alternative camera photography

    (Polaroid, Holga, Windsor, Lomo, Pinhole) in order to attract people

    truly interested in this type of work? This way I think you get

    proper feedback and ratings on your stuff, avoiding those who just

    think they have come across some sloppy work. What you think?

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