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Image Comments posted by e_thp

    Fruits of the Hunt


    I love the shared colours and textures.


    reminds me of the hunting still lifes by the old masters.


    Was this done in the field or did you bring everybody home?

    Both shells are unfired, eh?

  1. You say this is straight out of the camera, but don't refute don when he says it's photoshop.


    this is the 717's IR night mode, right? no PS.


    and carping aside I like the pic :-)

    what colour was the sky in the top part of the pic originally?

    say no.


    It's odd. This symbol started as a greek cross, and it's name comes from the sanskrit 'svasti' which means: well-being. It was often used as a good luck charm. It was picked up by indian and asian culture and encorporated into buddhism, hinduism and jainism. It has both a clock-wise and anti-clockwise version, one of which is used to this day to represent peace, resignation and happiness.


    Knowledge is power.

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