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Image Comments posted by tristan_haynes



    Rita says I understand what you had to say when you mentioned the 'Benefit' part, i would definitely do the same since as i have mentioned earlier i am a professional photographer, I too have protected work.

    Raf- it has to be non commercial, if you make benefits with the picture unfortunately I'll ask you a part of them. [sO Rita WHAT DID YOU GIVE - RAF?]

    Rita says i will be putting ' ARTWORK KINDLY SUPPLIED BY....your name or your website (you choose)' somewhere on the photograph before i get it printed.

    Lorenzo - could you please send me some of your best photos you'll create. [sO Rita WHAT DID YOU GIVE - LORENZO? did you actually put Artwork kindly supplied by on the photographs? NO, did you send him the examples NO!]

    The same for Nicholas Bostaph. [Rita did you send him the examples NO!]

    Rita says I will also put your name somewhere on the photo ....ARTWORK KINDLY SUPPLIED BY ISAURAS or even your website link, it is up to you if you want or not, but i would be more than happy to do so, so pls let me know.

    Isaura Simon If you are making a profit, then I would ask for a licensing fee for each piece used.

    [sO Rita WHAT DID YOU GIVE - ISAURA? did you actually put Artwork kindly supplied by on the photographs? NO, did you send him a licensing fee? NO!]

    Then there is the registered copyright material that you have used Rita. There is also the logos and the original templates that I created along with a hell of a lot more. Rita you did not even have the necessary PS skills to do what needed to be done. Helping you alone should have made you somewhat appreciative but to then STEAL, Rita read the words (dont just paste them in) to see what these kind people have told you in writing. The fact that you did not adhere to their request says it all and enforces what you said to me; that these artists can fuck off as they will never know. The very same thing that you then said to me and now therefore as said before the legal force that yet in due course is to come bearing down!

    Ego is one thing Disgracing another but the Truth is your STEALING works from others, using it for your own selfish profit at a detriment to those that have created these works. So Rita who is obviously proving that she has no idea in the meaning of the word IGNORANCE wake up it has nothing at all to do with jealousy it though has everything to do with PRINCIBLES!



    As this (PN) is a medium for learning & understanding Rita, your work is well praised and deservingly so, as are all the Photographic Artists/Images of works submitted to be admired and of the remarks of those that are inspired.

    But Rita to STEAL the hard work & creative works of other ARTISTS such as;(Lorenzo Ravasco, Nicholas Bostaph, Isaura Simon & Carlos Rafael Alves Dias Ventura) these creative artists mentioned were kind enough to allow with stipulated conditions the use of their created works, Rita to then tell me (Tristan) that these ARTISTS canfuck off as they will never know or for you not to follow through with their simple & very fair requests as was arranged is not at all fair or professional of you Rita despite the colorful representation you project of yourself.

    Believing to that we friends & partners I created logos and the original templates manipulated into carnival backgrounds along with everything else that I had arranged digitally including the implementation of systems administration process including the very important & crucial research for the business enterprise that I had initiated & made feasible by helping Rita who as she knows very well did not have the necessary PS skills.

    Besides also from Rita using corporate copyright material registered since the year of 2002 it is unbelievable that just 2 days before the Carnival of Malta, Rita then tells me also to fuck off!

    This has been written for the awareness of Artists to learn in order to take extra care and prudence of your creative works.

    Surely though no ones EGO is that detached from reality and the law except sadly Rita who has used so much work creative and otherwise that was not actually hers or her property but never the less has used this for her own commercial profit completely and foolishly ignoring where credit and payment is due ultimately to her own eventual downfall the legal force that yet in due course is to come bearing down.

    Rita Borg truly and you most certainly know that I have wished & helped you well! Even my girlfriend has repeatedly attempted to reach through to you, besides absolutely everything & anything you surely must know that you can not use other peoples works and creations for your own selfish profit and to tell the creators of these works tofuck off!

    You should certainly know better as does everyone that talent does not entitle you to be so ignorant in fundamentally DISGRACING all those Artists or otherwise using PN or any other media format in helping aspiring creative persons around the World to better understand & learn!

    The STEALING of ART works or of Works Created can not be TOLORATED!!!!!! No matter the status of the affected thief.


    Yes Rita your intuition is correct my friend is an extremely talented and very beautiful woman or visa versa a very talented extremely beautiful woman either way very much like yourself Rita. I only have one hope for today that this little compliment is well received as it is intended and not that you have the slightest notion that I am some kind of weirdo wolf.


    I have only just been introduced to photonet (thank you so much to my new found friend) I am overwhelmed by all the Great works on display. The Three Faces - forcibly compelled me to engage with the photo, no need 4 a list but perhaps for natural reasons being primeval or disturbing (in the best sense of the word). Because of the title I looked into the picture intensely & spiritually for the other 2 faces of which I believed I had found. Later after having some Hot Salsa & with a Friend I was guided to seeing the actual true 2 other faces and this is when the full force of this amazing picture looked at me.
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