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Posts posted by stephen_alesch

  1. all my noctilux shots look like that.

    blurry, flat, odd color.

    its impossible to take a sharp shot without taking a half hour to track, compose and nail

    the paper thin depth of field.

    it teaches awe for the very few masters.

    no way to capture a moving target - in focus.

    maybe one out of 600 shots.

    never the less i have hundreds of interesting, odd, blurry dark images.

    too bad some of are friends and family at different gatherings.

    my recent purchase of a canon eos with autofocus (my first in 15 years) is a breakthrough.

    sometimes you'll never know where you are until you go there. thats the curse of leica.


    thanks for sharing italian dude.

  2. What does this mean:" the Nocti, which does not have a lot of resolution to start with". huh?

    thats just wierd. does a nocti even have resolution? ??? its a analog lens not a chip. maybe i dont understand. My m8 - with a nocti has massive noise above 800 asa at long exposures - over 4 seconds. its pretty sad. i havent tried black and white - only color shots. it looks like these pics had alot of available light - try some at twilight, hand held.

  3. keeping your free eye open is one of the greaest benefits of a leica. it takes practice but allows you to capture the exact moment clearly whle framing in the viewfinder. this bloke needs to practice keeping that "extra" eye OPEN! the best viewfinder is your free eyeball.....
  4. the m6 with film would be superior for certain. the m8 is a little noisy at 1600 in fact - alot noisy. at 160 the m8 is very fine and could probably compare. you would be down to tripod times though. if i had some time i would compare and show, but trust me the film would be superior. my new and painfully expensive m8 is not impressive at anything above 160.
  5. I looked into my leica today and saw the most awful thing i have ever seen.

    2 little holes, somwhat elongated.

    about 1mm wide and 3mm long. Acid burns?, worms?, moths?. Has anyone ever seen


    Any idea of how to go about having it repaired in the manhattan area?

    i dont really want to send it in the mail to new jersey.

  6. i am an architect and i need to create a high quality ditital image

    of my drawings (color - 30 x 42 inches) i have been looking at

    scanners and they cost about 10-15000 for a 400 dpi - and not great

    quality. i was thinking instead of spending the money on a digital

    back for a hasselbladd 501cm i own. a sinar 54M costs about 12,000.

    does anyone know if this would be a good idea? basically set up in my

    office a copystand and shoot these large drawings.

    i dont know if my 501cm can accept the sinar back, and i dont know if

    the quality is good enough. i have shot drawings with an epson rd-1

    using a good leica lens, it was not sharp enough.

  7. Is the MP TTL? or "sort of TTL"?

    Maybe TTL without electronics? Its a little strange -

    The shoe obviously triggers my flash but as far as its internal

    light meter having any influence - that would be -no.

    I am trying to get a leica sf20 flash to work with the MP - i can

    use it manually- the flash - sort of wing it - but then again didn't

    a bunch of german engineers figure this out?

    I'm polish so usually I just wing it - and i eventually figure most

    things out.

    I know I know leica men dont use flash - but low light social

    events - hand held - has some serious limitations - even with a fast

    lens. a gentle flash might just lift things a little and allow an

    exposure at 30th or so.

  8. This forum seems to have as many foes of Leica as fans. People who read these comments to make fun of Leica owners and taunt the need to spend money on the vanity of these things. Arent there better places to share your veiws? Holga forums or "Make your own Pinhole Camera for $10.00". Bragging about driving a Honda? Some people are not afraid to spend money - whether they have it or not - on exquisite finery. - some people like to hold on to their money and search for value - I love Leica and their products - I like thick steel and heavy objects, fur and gold - I hate cheap plastic things, gimmicky cheap solutions and quick buying toys with techno gizmos - I've pre ordered this camera and cannot wait to use it - and just because I like too.......who cares about mega pixels and I'll get the shallow depth of field with my Deardorff. While I wear my Buffalo coat at St. Moritz with my Range Rover. Modesty Police @$#%^&@* off!<div>007GmX-16452884.jpg.847bdc5fcef4ea8b05634f2002d5f037.jpg</div>
  9. thanks for all the advice and info - especially neil. I dont care about wasting film - it is really about what lens to acheive close to 170 degrees using the 8 inches in width - im sure the top and bottom corners are very distorted with the 90mm so cropping down vertically is just in order to keep the image from looking like a fish eye - panoramics have a great effect in their linear quality - panning left and right. i like the idea of taping off the back with paper and using the 90. thanks again.
  10. I was recently admiring wim wenders new book of panoramic shots -

    they are pretty extraordinary. I am shooting an architectural

    project - exteriors - and looked at some rentals / purchases for

    panoramic, hoping i could acheive great, sharp, wide images. Before i

    do that i am wondering if I can use my 8 x 10 deardorff - with some

    special lens and a masked - or unmasked back. I cant seem to find any

    info on this sort of modification - but it seems with the adjustments

    and lens available that there would be a solution - from a smaller

    format? hopefully to use the whole 8 inches wide - undistorted- maybe

    3 inches high. Is that how "banquet" pictures are done?

    any help is appreciated.

  11. i had the same problem recently at A-I in los ang. It was hard to ignore the difference between my contact sheets and the "digital" prints. They reluctantly admitted they had a new digital development process. I was really disappointed. since then i have gone back to slides. Contacts seem to be steadfast/ traditional and custom prints can be picked off the contact sheets. - just say good-bye to normal processing of 4x5 5x7 ect.
  12. oh i know the noctilux is bought on purpose - low night....fastest lens..awesome....im just excited to know that for what i need is the more "affordable" elmers.....long exposures.....small aperature...huge depth of field....i am an elmerit not a sexy noctilux....
  13. thats good info - thanks - so for long exposures - smallest aperature i am fine with elmarit. Thats all i really shoot.slow and sharp. No compromises in glass quality or aberrations? Just paying for that huge eyeball of an iris? noctilux is a good word though ..like matrix or trinity.... - elmarit is like elmer.....its hard not to desire a noctilux even if you dont need it. someone at leica did that on purpose.
  14. I have a Summilux 1.4/35mm and just bought a elmarit 2.8/28

    both great but a little too similar - i wasnt thinking when i bought

    the 28. i want to get a 24 or the opposite a 75 - trying to decide.

    question is what does summilux and elmarit mean? canada?

    lesser/better quality? just names? i cant find out anywhere - as far

    as long lenses go i found a 75 mm summilux (expensive 2600) and a

    135mm elmarit (cheap 400)usually cheap is bad and expensive good

    except for those rare instances when luck/skill bless us. any

    insight to these names?

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