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Image Comments posted by hansio

  1. it's a matter of taste and opinion. Anyhow, Bente, I took the liberty of showing that there is much more in this image then you perhaps realize. Take a good look and see what you first did miss. Have fun.

  2. First thing I notice about this image is that it, to my taste, is framed just to low. I would have preferred that it would start just above the little shed, halve way in the wall, and that way getting the hill tops better in the image. That way building up an image is more exiting because it has a start an vanishing point.

    Next I notice ( I could be wrong, is that you have been playing around the church tower. Did some dotging there? Why.... it has enough depth of it's own. I don't know if you have some shots of this situation, but I would love to see this higher aimed one.


    For the rest? Keep playing, keep enjoying yourself. Learn what to skip about rules and about developing a very own style.... against the wind if needed.

    Have fun.


    Hanszio with a Z


    Here WE are !!!


    Hi Els....

    good to see you'r still busy with pushing the button. I agree with the comment about the light. Better close the door next time, take a light tripod and set yor white balance/ It might a longer exposure time, but that's where the tripod comes in. Or you must have a very steady pair of hands ( in the old days I could expose with about two seconds from hand, but that is longggggg ago)

    I also did include a small shot of how it could be. Just a rough process, but it could be saved if important enough. A matter of 'oefenen.. oefenen.. oefenen.... ' and watch very vlosely at the colours.

    Have fun and hi to that all your beloved ones.


    Hanszio with a Z.


    Geometric Values.


    I know, it is Catalan and not Castilian.

    Martha.... I noticed that in your images there is a kind of over-sharpening that makes the images some kind of less perfect.

    I know that your camera and lenses are not a problem, so it has to be either the settings in the camera, or it is the software that you use for processing.

    Questions: What kind of software.... Photoshop, perhaps?

    And how did you organize your camera settings?

    It must be easy to get that perfect images and perhaps this way we can find out how or what.

    Let me know, please.





    tongue piercing?

    They'r crazy. Good that it did'nt hurt itself on that waterbeam. Maybe a little masochistic? Anyhow... good shot. Like it much, but that has also to do with my love for cats.
  3. This time of year the city is almost deserted. Next year Pécs will be

    Cultural Capital of Europe, together with Istanbul and the Ruhr area

    in Germany.

    Propably in that year the towncenter will be crowded with people from

    the world all over.

    This couple? Just enjoying the cool down from the long hot summer.

    What it has to do with next year? Nothing at all. Just a nice way to

    extend the message, I guess.

    Thanks for taking a view and dropping by.

  4. You know those sundaymornings, don't you? Have a nice breakfast, walk

    the dog or go to town to get a fresh newspaper. Then, all over sudden,

    there's something going on and it's a nice way to talk to people from

    your neighbourhood again. Anyhow, old and young were gatthered and one

    thing they all agreed on... they'r very strong, those Russian

    cars..... well, some of them.

    My Poppies Two


    When sowing the 1 kilo of seeds I did read: Sufficient for 100 sq

    meters. Almost ready my wife asked me: "Are you sure you did read it

    well?" while holding the than empty paper bag in her hand.... I did

    read it again... with my reading glasses on...... 1000 sq meters!!

    One thing is fore sure. The camera loves it and so do I. Specialy with

    the Lensbaby Composer it's a real treat to play around our own garden.

    In the future, I promised myself, I will read more carefull..... perhaps.

    Poppies unite.....


    When sowing the 1 kilo of seeds I did read: Sufficient for 100 sq

    meters. Almost ready my wife asked me: "Are you sure you did read it

    well?" while holding the than empty paper bag in her hand.... I did

    read it again... with my reading glasses on...... 1000 sq meters!!

    One thing is fore sure. The camera loves it and so do I. Specialy with

    the Lensbaby Composer it's a real treat to play around our own garden.

    In the future, I promised myself, I will read more carefull..... perhaps.

    The white swan


    to those great times of hearing the music and enjoying the pictures on the sleeve.....

    Have restored the pick up and play regularly the LP's....... love the mood in your image. Thanks Floriana.

  5. Great shot, Bente. Just curious what kind of details. What camera... lens... time in the morning, brand of windturbine.... etc. I can guess, but I think for some of the readers it could be interesting and will give them some ideas... perhaps? Still miss your great cat-images.... want to see more of them....... please......?



    Many congratulations with the journey you are making. Enjoy every minute of it like it is a fresh start over and over again....

    Wonderfull and don't retouch the image you'r on right now... it's reality and so it has to be.

    Hope to see your book been published in other countries soon and...... don't accept low payments for it!

  6. It's just that memories keep coming back when I see this image.

    I think that you managed to catch the right mood in this image. Wonderfull and very strong.

    The only thing that bothers me a little is the lack of darkness in the reflected areas like the treetops and clouds.

    Perhaps do something about the post process because in print it will be washed out?

    Anyhow.... great picture.



    After a much to long and much to cold winter, spring is finaly there.

    It is strange to experience how quick we humans are able to forget,

    because as soon as the sun sends her magic beams we'r in heaven again.

    This is one of the many almond trees we have and we hope that this

    time the bugs will leave some for us.

    Peach Blossom


    After a much to long and much to cold winter, spring is finaly there.

    It is strange to experience how quick we humans are able to forget,

    because as soon as the sun sends her magic beams we'r in heaven again.

    Lucky enough nothing human is strange to us.....

  7. Alright.. is a good choice. And now, start shooting in RAW, or as Nikon names it, NEF.

    When after the monitor and 'devolping' your images, the real fun starts.

    Have that fun and make smashing pic's.

    Gerdenian Regards from Hungary.

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