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Posts posted by hansio

  1. When we moved from Holland to Hungary we had to clear a lot of junk. One of the things were all the old papers from the darkroom and amongst them very much Ilford warmtone. Boxes loaded with beautifull paper. The guy who came to buy it for a very, very fancy price had just packed his car with all my gear when his purist eye ( still working analogue) fell on some prints I made. "You'r not gonna tell me that you......."

    Yes sir, printed on the Epson 3800 and that comes very... very close to what I did for many years, spending hours in the DR and printing on Barryth paper and more.

    Since not to long now I also bought the new plugin from NIK, named Silver Efex Pro and believe me, it's almost as magical as the old days. And yes, you also have to remember what exactly you did for filtering.

    To bad that I can't stand still with for old wet methode... it was great, but this is much more convenient for me and my clients are more happy then ever.... because they can still feel the 'old' material and but also see modern craftmanship. Flexibility is much greater and the final result makes me more then happy.

    Yes... those old days.......... Glad to have time to sit back after so many years of pure torture.


    By the way. This discussion look simular to me to the the one around the transition of so named gaslight paper to electrical cold lighted paper. Without the yellowish tint many people wanted that sepia look again and so all photographers started to color their paper again with chemicals that I don't know the name of in English ( I only remember (K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O. The result was that the had brown fingers of this processing. The fun was that even photographers who were NOT busy, also kept their fingers in the chemicals just to show how busy they were. Yes, guys, those were the days... were they?

  2. Whatever you do, there are two places that you have to visit. The first for the ambiance and maybe an art exhibition and that is named "The Arches". It's under a railroad and is very intereseting.

    The second, and take your camera, is "The Horseshoe". Never before have you seen such a nice mix and tolerance amongst people than in that place. Oh, before I forget... it's a pub and not just a pub. It's the Horseshoe, period. And start practicing on the word "Aiii".

    Good luck.


  3. Nice hearing that all of you are pleased with this printer. I now do

    have experience with the 1200, the 1270 and since a few weeks

    the 2000P. Indeed the colours and gloss are fantastic but also

    from this side the complaint about the cartridges. The price is an

    absolute schandal. More because of the fact that one can't use

    other brands. For using different materials to print on, I do have

    good results for years now with etching-paper. I do buy a whole

    bundle in the size of over a meter by 1.40 and cut that back to the

    sizes I need for my prints. Specialy the paper by Modiani, type

    100/100 cotton is rally great. The inkt on the other papers did use

    to stay perfect, even after exposing it to direct sunlight. I can only

    hope that the results with this inkt will be the same.

    Greetings from the Netherlands.

    Hans Molenkamp.

  4. There is no difference what so ever. Just the shape has been modernized a little and that's it. I own both 6008 and 6008 i and it adapts on all. And yes , there are diopters made out of glass for those of us who where glasses. In orther words, don't worry.

    Greetings from a Rollei addept in the Netherlands.

    If you want to see what I do with a 6008i? Go to <www.zeppelin.dsv.nl>

    and take a look at the photogalerie and there to the section 'luchtfoto's.

    Bye now.

    Hans Molenkamp.

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