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Image Comments posted by hiyawaan

  1. I must admit that when I first saw what you were doing I thought you were a bit mad but you done such a good job elavating the ordinary to the extraordinary. Well done. Interesting compositions, good tonality.

    Think about

    Working on location has many different problems that one does not face in studio. Your light is alway changing, there are unexpected things to deal with and the location can take on a personality and/or tell us about the subject. But as you haven't realy made the location part of this portrait you could have taken this shot in studio.


    Your choice to frame it vertically makes it look like she feel head first in to a pile. Funny expession and pose all work to create a quirky image. Tonality and grain add to the atmosphere, feels like a 1930's movie poster gone wrong. Good job

    Child in time

    Nice wide angle shot. I like the tonality too, espesialy how th kid stands out. The watch faces adda an sureal quality to an otherwise normal scene.


    Nice image, good relaxed pose on model. Great skin tones on the arms and legs. Watch out around her right hand as there appears to be either a halo or a bad dodge job above her index finger.good tonality throughout the picture.


    Very nice image. I love the blue tonality and the beam of light coming in from the back to accent the pettels. I find it unusual that you chose to shot the flowers from the side but it works very well in this picture for me. Well done.

    City Scape


    realy interesting clouds lend an onimous mood to your cityscape. I wish you had a little more in the foreground though, maybe some leading lines to the buildings.


    My collegue

    Nice picture. Good facial expression, nice tight crop. Very high key post treatment works in this shot. Reminds me of Annabelle Williams' photographhy.(I know I spelt her name wrong)


    Great capture, I particularly like the composition. The sense of isolation. I think the print quality could be better though, Have you tried it in B+W with the sky burnt in?
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