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Posts posted by genevieve_leigh

  1. hi. ok, i know this question is going to sound idiotic but i need

    help! i can't seem to take off my polarizer from my lens. it's a

    circular polarizer and i screwed it on yesterday (twisting it into

    place) and then i can't seem to take it off by unscrewing it the

    other way....i'm a complete beginner to photography so i'm fumbling

    with the equipment by myself. is there a proper way to put on/take

    off circular polarizers? it didn't come with an instructions manual

    so i'm at a loss at what to do. thanks. :-(

  2. I am thinking of getting some filters for my lenses (polarizer, uv)

    and am considering B+W. In regards to the polarizer can someone tell

    me the difference between: circular polarizer v. circular polarizer

    slim (i think slims are for wide angle lenses so would my canon 28-

    135mm IS USM be considered wide?). also what about Kaesemann

    circular polarizer...what does the Kaesemann part do?


    In regards to uv filters, i looked at ones for my lens with a 77mm

    filter size and there were 1) strong uv haze 2) uv haze slim 3)uv

    haze mrc and 4) uv haze extra wide why all these complications

    (slim, wide, etc) if it is supposed to fit exactly?


    can someone help me figure this out? btw, if this helps, i wanted to

    get filters for my lenses: 28-135mm/3.5-5.6 is usm (filter size

    72mm) and 70-200mm/2.8 (77mm filter) -the latter a very nice gift so

    u can understand why i want to protect it.

  3. I have a canon 10d and am about to go buy some lenses but i also

    wanted to get some filters while i'm at it. except, since my lenses

    differ in filter size, i've had some people suggest that i get

    filters for the largest lens and then get step down ring adapters.

    but i've also been told that using ring adapters are bad (i.e. make

    the image worse than if the lens had on an exact fitting filter)????

    is that true? should i get filters for each lens or should i stick

    with ring adapters to cut down on costs? can someone shed some light

    on this for me? thanks.

  4. sorry, beginner here. i am trying to build my nikon system and i was

    wondering what kind of flash to get. since i need to get the flash

    before my photography how-to books arrive (ugh, don't ask why), i

    don't really know where to begin. i wanted to take portraits, some

    landscapes, and some macro stuff, most of which will be during

    sometime when the sun is still up. my friend suggested the sb-80,

    but i don't know the difference...can someone please explain to me

    what the sb stands for and what the numbers mean? thanks!

  5. ugh, i am so incompetent in deciding. sorry if this topic has been

    raised somewhere along the way but i need advice on some nikon

    lenses. yes, again. ok, first, why is the Nikon AF-S 28-70mm f/2.8D

    ED-IF Autofocus Lens ($1,369.95 adorama) sooo much more expensive

    than the seemingly similiar 24-85mm f/2.8-4.0D IF Autofocus Lens

    ($549.95)?? i didn't see that much of a difference so what gives?

    second, is it better to get the 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6 or invest in 2

    lenses (28-70mm f/2.8 AF and the 70-200mm f/2.8)? i realize that

    with the 24-120mm, the speed is obviously slower and won't let in

    that much light but the other 2 lenses are massive and heavy to haul

    around at the same time. i guess, deep down, i know i should opt for

    the 2 lens investment... i just need someone to tell me that i would

    be doing the right thing?? ok, one more question, what does the

    abbreviations mean? i.e. the AIS, D, IF, etc. found in the title

    descriptions? thanks.

  6. i had settled on getting a nikon 50mm/1.4 lens until i read on

    another thread that the 1.8 was sharper than the 1.4 in the 50mm AF

    lens. is this true? since money isn't going to be a factor, what

    should i go with?

  7. ok so originally i wanted the minolta maxxum 7 body but then i

    realized that it can only mount minolta lenses...or at least i think

    it does. this sucks b/c i was looking to get a nikon zoom lens...24-

    120? or perhaps another kind, i haven't really decided on the zoom

    range that i want yet. but anyways, do u know if nikon lenses can be

    mounted on other bodies of a different brand or do i have to go look

    into getting a nikon body now too?

  8. hi! i feel like such an idiot for asking this, esp. since photo.net

    has given so much advice on lens types in its tutorial section. but

    i am very new to photography and trying to teach myself. (couldn't

    get into any classes in college b/c they won't allow non-photography

    majors into photograhy courses!) i am still very confused and

    indecisive about what kind of lenses to get! i already decided on a

    body (minolta maxxum 7 35mm slr) but i need some advice for the

    lenses. i figured i needed at least 2 to begin with...but i have a

    fairly nice budget to work with and wondered if any of u could point

    me to some good ones? thanks!

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