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Posts posted by christian_marquess

  1. Well, I'm back from my excursion/adventure....and I'm the happy owner of a 150mm Schneider Super Symmar HM.


    The 120 Nikkor-SW is a great lens; nice and wide with great coverage but the copy I looked at had a BIG ding in the rim (it looked like it had been dropped) and it looked as though the lens elements were beginning to separate slightly, perhaps due to the impact from the fall. I just didn't want to risk the money on something that may or may not work properly. The 180mm was too close to "normal" and too close to my 240mm Fuji.


    The Schneider is in PERFECT shape. There's not one coating mark or scratch on the lens elements...it looks brand new. And I got it for $875.00 which I thought was a pretty good deal. I'll work with this one for awhile and see how I like it...I'm sure I can always sell it at a later date if I don't like it.

  2. Wow....decisions, decisions. So many choices so little money! LOL


    I was looking at 150mm but wouldn't necessarily be adverse to going a little wider. And Michael is right...I think 180 is going to be a little too close to my 240. I really like my 24mm/35mm lenses in 35mm and I'm looking to stay as close to these in 5x7 as possible. 110 may be fantastic but I've never used one.


    After hours of searching here's the current offering I've been able to find:


    121mm Schneider Super Angulon - $600.00 used

    150mm Schneider Super Symmar HM - $900.00 used

    150mm Rodenstock APO-Sironar W - $1250.00! used!

    120mm Nikkor-SW - $995.00 new

    115mm Caltar II - $950.00 used

    165mm Schneider Super Angulon - $900.00 used

    150mm Schneider Super Symmar XL - $2000.00 new


    Which of these sounds like the best deal? Also, what are the best online retailers besides Midwest, BH, Ebay, Quality, LensRepro, etc that generally have a good selection of large format lenses? Is there anyplace truly out of the ordinary that I'm missing?



  3. Thanks for all of the great info!


    TED, can you tell me where you found your APO-W? I've searched high and low without success.


    The Schneider 110XL sounds awfully appealing. Do any of you 5x7 shooters have pics on the site/internet that were taken using this lens? I'm thinking it may be a little too wide but can't say I've ever seen a 5x7 pic taken with this lens (perhaps I have but the technical info wasn't posted).

  4. Hello everyone...


    I'm fairly new to large format photography. I have a Keith Canham

    5x7 wood field camera and two (Fujinon 240A and 450C) lenses. I'm

    looking to add a gentle/moderate wide-angle lens to my collection

    for landscape work. I tried a 150mm Fuji CM-W but was dissatisfied

    because I could only use it straight on due to the limited image

    circle. I'm looking for modern lenses with fairly generous coverage

    but something that won't break the bank.


    I was wondering:


    1) Given my current lenses, which focal length/lenses would you



    Also, I see alot of people talking about the Rodenstock 150 Apo-

    Sironar W (used) but it seems impossible to find. Any suggestions

    on where to look besides Ebay or Midwest Photo?


    Thanks in advance for any advice or info.

  5. Hey everybody....


    I just bought an old Elwood 5x7 enlarger for $50.00. It's in good

    condition but the bellows is badly worn and needs to be replaced.

    Does anybody know where I can find/buy a bellows for this enlarger?

    And info would be greatly appreciated!


    You can write to me at htswv@yahoo.com.


    Thanks very much!



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