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Image Comments posted by squibby



    First, get your facts straight! I signed up for photo.net today and saw this picture and was compelled to write. I did not sign up specifically to write about this picture.


    Second you have 2 children, and see nothing wrong with this photo. Will someone please call child services! Moreover, just like you are expressing your opinion, I have expressed mine. To say that you should not take my opinion into account because I am a new member is crazy. How do you know what my photo background is? Maybe I am a professional photographer? Maybe I am a law school professor, specialising in 1st ammendment issues? would my opinion be more valid to you then? If I were a member for 5 years and had rated hundreds of photos would you all of a sudden think my opinion was better? Or is it your belief that your opinion is the only opinion that counts? I think the latter is the real answer. Its a classic liberal point of view, you either agree with me or you are wrong. Thats your philosophy Daniela, right? Well guess what sweatheart, I don't agree with you and your still wrong!!!


    You can not minimilize my opinion by saying I have only been a member for 1 day. How about I minimilze your opinion by the fact that you have been a member for more than a year without posting any pictures? You like to comment, but not put yourself out there for review.


    Do not ever minimalize someone's opinions. Its the most dangerous form of censorship out there.


    Lastly, I agree with the posts that say this is not pornographic. I also agree with the posts that say this child should not be posing nude, because she is to young. She is what 10, 12? You do not pose nude at that age! There should be no debate on that point. All of you who say you should, I am waiting for pictures of your 10-12 year old to show up.



    This photo is so repulsive it should be removed from Photo.net immediatly. No one should exploit a young girl like that.


    Its also bull siht that its a bad photo because people find it erotic. One has nothing to do with the other. ITs a bad photo because this is a youg child! period, end of story!


    I hope this photographer never posts sucha horrible picture again!

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