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Image Comments posted by pat_wilson1

    Blue Eyes

    This is a wonderfully soft image. I feel like the eye on the left is overpowering the eye on the right. Also the eye on the right, the white part seems...too white, there are no imperfections in it, it feels like it was altered. This is a fantastic shot otherwise though.
  1. This is very nice. you really nailed the contrast and exposure on this. The water is beautiful. Not quite clear, but not the typical water-blur. The texture on the rocks is great also. Very good. The only thing I would change is perhaps darken the sky a bit and see what that looks like.
  2. I'd like to see this about 15-20% lighter, or maybe lower contrast. I disagree with the cropping suggestion because it seems to me like the couple is in the middle of a bright light. The bride's train is just glowing wonderfully, but I think her skin and rest of her dress could be a bit lighter.


    This is a great image. It reminds me, for some reason, of something apocolyptic. The clouds are beautiful, and I love the fountain, something normally beautiful, turned into an ominous silouette with its water crashing all around it.

    paddys mount

    This is a great image. It has a good composition, I like how the real 'item' in the photograph is dark instead of the bright part like it usually is. It has really vibrant grass and the 'ray of God' looks great.

    After sunset

    This just looks surreal. The smoke stacks stand out great, and the foreground just looks like a toxic wasteland to me. The whole image reminds me of polution and stuff. The color reflected in the water adds to this. I think this is a very successful image.



    The whites are distracting, unfortunatly. I think otherwise this is a very good picture. I still think it has a nice feel to it. Now if you can get the cat to sit there again... ;)


    A rainy day may have a whole different mood to try and it won't have the harsh light problems. I think that the rain drops on the windows would look neat, never know until you try though. If you do take it again, take the paper thingys out of the plant on the windowsill also.

  3. I like the grain on this, are you SURE this was TMax? It looks like PlusX or TriX to me. I found the black roof line in the bottom right a little distracting. If you are printing this traditionally, see how it looks if you tilt the easel to one side to mess with the perspective a bit so you can crop without cutting too much of the cross out. It's just an idea, not sure how well it would work.


    I think this is a nice idea. My recomendations are that you pay attention to everything in your scene, because as the artist you are responcible for it. The necklace and earrings are slightly distracting the necklace moreso than the top diamond (?) ear stud. It breaks the smooth texture of the skin, and it's slightly twisted and those kind of things break up an otherwise very smooth image. I would like to see a bit more of the back. I like the cropping under the breast, but I'm not as sure about the top of the blinds. I would play witht he cropping. I do like the picture though.


    The grain doesn't match. The tones don't match. It looks very fake, and the statue itself is very contrasty. I can't say I like it.

    Photogenic Calla

    I am such a sucker for sprocket holes when the image yields itself to them...but I am very disapointed it's digital. It is still a beautiful image, but I wish I could see a BIT more texture in the tip of the flower.
  4. This doesn't work for me. There is no visible detail, so I can't focus on that. The cropping eliminates the natural shape of the flower, so I look at the shape made by the cropping, and it seems haphazard.

    Capiera Dance

    I have rolls of Capoeira. I would love to go to Brasil and be able to shoot street rodas. As it stands right now I only have shots from the school I take from and they are indoors and I'm still looking for the "right" way to shoot it. This is a great shot.

    Sign I (1)

    Hmm intesting take on a stigmata type thing. I like the negative space around her but I wish there was a little bit more seperation between her hair and that space. I also am not sure what the white spot by her left arm is, it is kind of distracting. I like the shot though.


    I like the water a lot in this. It looks ghostly and unreal. I like the hints of color reflecting from the sky in it too. I almost want to just cut out the land entirely.


    This is fantastic. Done with no photoshop also, even better! I absolutly love the solarization because of how much it flattens the tones and the image itself. I can look at the shapes created by the arms. The pose itself reminds me of a nude by Weston. I love those arms, and the white...so much white. It's a great image.
  5. Maybe I am not looking hard enough. I see no blacks, no whites, no interesting subject. I see lines which could perhaps be interpreted as a cross, but I see the faint part of a line on the right side. Other than that, I see nothing. This doesn't work for me.


    This has something of an impressionistic feel to it. Very high contrast, those clouds are fanastic. Try messing a little bit with the water. See what it looks like if you burn it down. My eyes wander twords it, but I want to keep them on the shapes of the trees and those clouds.


    I think this image has a lot of potential, this is what I would do. Firstly desaturate it, the color, if anything, subtracts from the image. I find the blue spring-thingy in the right hand side distracting because of the blue. I would also mess with the cropping and try cropping that out. The branch in the top right that is peeking in I also don't like. I would try cropping that out from the side.
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