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Posts posted by hadap

  1. Hi,


    I am visiting Seattle on May 11th and would like to spend the weekend and may be

    couple of days extra around photographing. So far what my colleagues have

    suggested, which is obvious, is


    - Mt Rainier

    - Mt St Helens

    - Victoria and San Juan Island


    I would also like to here from fellow photographers, considering this time of

    the year etc.






  2. Thanks all for your inputs. Indeed, after some thought, I have decided to concentrate only in one area, Coos Bay and south till Brookings. UNLESS I am wrong, I am not too crazy about sand dunes, I have some wonderful snaps from Death Valley for that. I am looking forward to sunsets at ragged coast of Samuel Boardman State Park, mornings in Coos Bay and surroundings, tide pools, and may be detour to Golden and Silver Falls. I understand that I have to discover a bit, but any specific location I should not miss?


    Friday Night - Mendocino

    Saturday Night - Port Ordford

    Sunday Night - Coos Bay

    Travel back starting Monday noon via Reedsport and I5, reach home (Redwood City) by midnight.

  3. Hi,


    I am planning a photo tour of Oregon Coast over the long weekend. I

    would drive out of SF bay area on Friday evening and reach Northern

    most location. I will drive south during the following days catching

    sunsets (and may be sunrises). I don't mind reaching Sunday late. Can

    I do the whole Oregon coast in the schedule. Otherwise, I would just

    do half of it. Which half I should do, north of Florence or South of

    Florence. I am following "photograph America" newsletters. Your tips

    and comments would be immensely helpful. Where to stay? What are great

    places for sunrise (sunsets may be plenty)? And anything else?



    Thanks a lot



  4. Hi,


    I used to hang around in this forum 3-4 years back. I learned great

    deal of nature photography then. I am wanting to get back.


    Are there any other similar great nature photography forums that I

    don't want to miss. I like enthusiasm at dpreview.com, just that it's

    mostly about equipment.



    Thanks a lot



  5. "I still feel there is something to be said for uniformity among a camera's product line though. However, I'm sure Nikon will eventually produce a full-frame sensor, if for no other reason than that's what the marketplace wants."


    How can you so sure that marketplace wants a full-frame sensor.


    If you see the trend in semiconductor technology in general and sensor technology in particular, rate of signal-to-noise-ratio improvements would be much higher than improvements in success rate of large sensor sizes and the economics of it. Secondly, who does not want better picture quality using smaller sensors.


    It's like in rural India the videographers still use those old bulky vhs cameras. Not that they can't afford slick dgcam that would give much better video quality. Their clients are unimpressed by the small size of a dgcam.

  6. To comment on Arnub and Shun


    To me Nikon makes lot of sense. I was in pro-sumer range. I had F90x and I skipped buying F100. Then I bought D100. Now I can happily wait for D200 or upgrade my expectations to pro level and buy D2x. Typically I would use my camera at least for 2 years.


    For that matter I still have Dell Precision 320, Pentium 4 1.7 GHz, best configuration that I bought 3 years back. It still works. I skipped buying 3.x GHz.


    Canon guys relax, Nikon being at number 2 actually helps me.


    Photography is my hobby and not my profession.

  7. I don't get it!


    If Canon EOS-1D Mark II, 8.2 Megapixel is at $4499 at B&H, what's wrong with Nikon D2x, 12.4 Megapixel at $4,999.


    I am happy user of D100, I have such nice results from last trip to Death Valley. I will go for D2x as I think that it is going to be as good as D70. For me it's foolish to even think of making a switch.

  8. Is Nikon seriously lagging!


    Well I don't think so. But that is precisely being said over and over

    again in the other forums. Currently I own quite a lot of Nikon gear.

    D100, F90x, Coolscan 4000, 4 good lenses etc. I don't think I will be

    in position to switch to Canon. At the same time I am anxious that

    Nikon did not announce D2X nor F6. Am I making a mistake by sticking

    to Nikon, not that there is an option. I am not a pro.


    I want ask this question here hoping that I don't get any undue hyped

    up impression of some guy blindly passionate about Canon brand.


    I can afford to spend a bit and sell some thing, only if I am sure.


    - I can't buy F5 because there will be probably F6 and I like digital.

    I always wanted to buy F5, but could not afford, and bought F90x.


    - D100 (what I own) is ok but it is not F5 or better, I bought it

    because it was the best digital then, i.e. last year.


    - I am not sure if D2X will rival F5, forget the fact that one is film

    and the other is digital.


    - I searched and searched for last 2 weeks and did not find a single D2X


    - D70 is better than D100 for its bucks, I feel cheated


    - I can't sell D100 for reasonable amount because of D70


    - I can't buy Canon 1D Mark II as Nikon lenses won't fit to that


    - I am not sure if Fuji S3 pro does as good metering as F5 and whether

    it will be as good as D2X (if at all)


    What do I do? I can wait, but I don't want to make mistake yet another

    time. People bought F5 when it came out. They must have had immense

    satisfaction for years there after. Will D2X be the case!


    You know what, my D100 is probably just right for my advance

    amateurish indulgence.



    Thanks a lot



  9. Hi,


    I am a landscape and micro photographer. Recently I was on my photo

    tour to Death Valley and Joshua Tree with my Nikon D100, F90x and lot

    of lenses, gitzo carbon fiber tripod, etc. It was a good trip and have

    some nice shots.


    However, with us, there was a friend couple with some digicam (I

    forgot the brand, probably it was Minolta). Firstly I was stunned to

    learn that they were referring to John Shaw's book on landscape

    photography. They could experiment all the things about aperture,

    shutter speed, dof, even hyperfocal length. When we got together, I

    saw no difference in many of our shots as they almost tried to copy my

    composition using their small flimsy tripod. Upon observing their

    images for sharpness etc without being extra picky, I looked like

    stupid to sweat so much to get similar kind of results. Now, agreed

    there must be some difference in quality, because I have $4000 gear.


    This leaves me with a question though. Do I really need a Digital SLR?

    Why can I not accept the convenience of the light gear which can fit

    in small waste bag.


    Why can't there be a very light weight, very powerful professional

    camera from Nikon and Canon. This is my Nikon D2x wish (joking). I

    agree that small CCDs have noise problem. But I guess small lenses

    might mean good precision, low distortion, low aberration, low cost,

    low weight. Forget about full frame CCD, I am talking about smaller

    than APS CCD.


    I was looking at Nikon Coolpix 8700 8MP digicam announcement.







  10. Hi all,


    Thanks a lot for all the suggestions. I am finally inclined to drop Mono Lake. Instead, I am planning to spend two days in Joshua Tree. I will also do Lone Pine area.


    Joshua Tree is best in spring I understand. But I couldn't convince my wife that we should spend whole week in Death Valley. :-(


    Let me know if I should not miss between Death Valley, Lone Pine and Joshua Tree.


    Thanks once again.



  11. Hi,


    I am finalizing a trip to Mono Lake, Sequoia and Kings Canyon and

    Death Valley in December (24-30). I have following tentative



    2 days Mono Lake

    2 days Sequoia and Kings Canyon

    3 days Death Valley


    Any inputs/corrections would be highly appreciated. Firstly is it a

    good time at all to visit these places. I am doubtful about Sequoia

    and Kings Canyon. I feel like I should spend a day or two more in

    Death Valley and drop or just briefly visit Sequoia. Will it be

    overcast in Mono Lake, looking at SF Bay area's weather now a days.



  12. Scott, what do you mean? I don't think single exposure of 35mm film has that much resolution.


    Personally, I was impressed with the technique, not by this particular photograph. Some of his other images are good and highres. To the extend it motivates me to practice stitching.


    I am wondering, can stitching match large format photography? I saw some really gorgeous panaromas in one of the gallery in Carmel last weekend. When I asked "is this digitally processed", I was intimidated by "large format" "cibachrome processing". There might be truth in it, but just makes me wonder if digital is that trash, given the technology of today.



  13. Hi,


    I just got back with my Epson 2100. Earlier I was using Epson 1280 and

    had some nice prints. This was some 5 months back when I moved to USA

    from Switzerland to join DreamWorks. Meanwhile I had received Epson

    2100 but did not get time at all to explore it.


    Ok, to make the story short, I realized that I am not able to get the

    colors right at all. I tried various things but all the colors are

    horribly muddy/dull and there is strong blue cast. I open photographs

    taken with Nikon D100 jpg, which have color space Nikon RGB which I

    presume is same as Adobe RGB. Photoshop does not complain about

    profile mismatch as my working space is Adobe RGB. Then I print using

    settings a) Source profile: Same as document b) Print space: I chose

    Epson supplied Semigloss Photo profile c) Intent: Relative

    colorometric d) Turn off printers color management and print. I expect

    to get some decent result as the profile is supplied by Epson



    What's the problem. I pulled out ColorVision's ProfilerPlus and tried

    to generate the profile, but stopped thinking that I should first make

    sure what's happening.


    On a side note, is it worth buying ColorVisions new PrintFix? Any one

    have any experience.




    Sunil Hadap

  14. Hi,


    I want to explore the field of building ICC profiles using scanners. I

    came across some very good mathematics, using this mathematics one can

    estimate accurately both the printer and scanner profiles iteratively.

    My question is which is the optically best scanner. I don't care about

    dpi. What I need from the scanner is good linear response, good

    dynamic range and overall good optics.


    On a side note, can I use D100 for the purpose. Does lens/ccd

    combination of the camera is far superior than the scanner, or vice versa.





  15. Sorry for the confusion. I wonder why I typed raid 0 when I meant raid 1.


    Thanks for the responses so far.


    About the spike risk and fire risk, I really have not found a good/cheap solution in terms of tapes and required software. As a last resort I am going for this solution. I have put a good spike guard, that it. About fire, how many people keep their backups in another building? After all, photography is my hobby. Still thanks for reminding me and others for these risks.

  16. Hi,


    I bought WesternDigital Caviar 200GB disk. I plan to buy another one.

    It come with Promise FastTrack TX2 card which I believe raid capable.

    I just don't want to be bother about backing up my valuable

    photographs, how to setup raid 0. Do I need another ATA controler than

    which comes with the disk?


    I use Windows XP Pro and Dell Precision 320 workstation.


    Any web links would be just fine.






  17. It's too bad. Then why they call it raw image, just because it does not have a valid image header! I think this feature should go in the next digital camera's wish list. I can immagin at least half a dozen algorithms to reconstruct better image from the raw data. Particularly when it is super ccd.


    Secondly, are you absolutely sure that the camera resamples (interpolates) the individual channel during reconstruction of accurate rgb. They might even be sticking whatever data they get per channel in simple rgb triplet. What I mean is just look at the rgb components of the resulting image as they directly come from ccd layout and simply recreate that layout.


    Sunil Hadap

  18. Hi,


    I think you should retain 1270 and convert it into a bw printer using any of the black ink sets. Even though 2200 is regarded (hyped) for its bw printing, I think in the long run you will like the setup, 2200 for color and 1270 for bw.


    I am not sure how 1270 is supported in terms of black ink sets. I currently have 1290 and have just ordered 2100. I will soon order continuous ink system for 1290, currently I fill cartridges manually.

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