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Image Comments posted by velvetgoodnite

    Got Tape?

    I can't decide which is my favourite this or your Pointe Shoe Pile. Not everyone likes grain, but I do. Some people seem to associate it with poor technique but to me it adds a lot of character to a story. Some great photographers have used grain to great effect. I think the grain enhances the behind the scenes quality here...the girls hard work and the pain not seen in typical fine grain shots. I keep seeing more in this, finding out new clues about each girl. The one on the far left for instance has no tape. Her toes are red but obviously not blistered or she would need tape. So she is new. Another clue is her tights are pale pink. She didn't start at the same time as the others who probably all bought white ones together. The centre girl and the one with tape on four toes on same foot have been dancing longest, their big toes are more turned in. I also like the contrast in colours of delicate whites and pinks and blues with the gritty sidewalk. Hope to see more of your work.
  1. I particuarly like this image in your folder. I've rarely seen snow so it's fascinating to me that activities cease during winter.. All of your images here are moody and evoke emotions, a sense of loss and saddness but also time to slow down and of renewal to come. The boat above in the riverbed reminds me of being stranded, waiting in limbo. Very nice composition, like the riverbed branching in two directions, indicates choices available maybe {if you take a smaller canoe?. Tonally this is very pleasing with good contrast. I like it.


  2. I'm glad that you liked them. I've never really named my photos before so coming up with names after the fact is a new experience for me. I've discovered here that what a photo is called seems to change people's impressions of it. As to a sequence to portray a particular meaning yes that would be a geat idea. I only uploaded them last night and was having trouble {which is why at present there are other photos in here with these B&W ones.} Interesting that you are a filmmaker - I've dabbled in 16mm bolex and predigital/timecoding video so will be good to chat about that sometime. Interesting you picked this shot to comment on..it was the one I was most worried about..in the loss of tone in the faces - technically not as good as the others in the manniquin series. I'm going to have a look at your folio after dinner.

    Thanks again


    Little Prince

    Your Prince is simply awesome! Am totally humbled by your work. This is the vision I had with my early indonesian shots but I came up sadly lacking. Thank you for this image - it gives me something to aspire to.


    unusual tree, yes it does look like a claw!. Colour is arresting..would have liked to have seen a bit more detail or focus on the tree bark texture. {I looked at it on the large view}, maybe it got a bit lost in resizing perhaps? but i like it none the less.


    excellent placement - great shot to display those horns, I would have liked a bit more light on the animals face tho.:)
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