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Image Comments posted by james_bencke

    Coyote Waits

    Thanks for the feedback both positive and negative. I just liked the fact that, while you couldn't see much, you could still figure out what the figure was and the 'motion' added the affirmation to the coyote always being in motion. Add to that the lines running through the image and you have placed the coyote into civilization....but what is he waiting for? A confrontation with civilization?

    Coyote Waits


    Pawing through some 'old' stuff and found this....I kind of like it.

    Wondering if anyone else does. I saw this coyote in a parking lot and

    thought I would 'play' with the image because there just wasn't a lot

    to help in the foreground or background.

  1. Hi Jim and add my list to those who think your stuff is very special and appreciate your sharing with us. Anyone who rates this as low can't appreciate the time required to get this shot..so don't get discouraged, there are some of us out there who like these images!


    As an asside I have temporarily stopped posting because of the 'Good work but the horizon is canted' or 'you VIOLATED the rule of thirds!' comments. I know what it feels like to get a great image and the only thing one can comment on is a jot and tittle of the detail. If they are going to do that at least acknowledge the 'good' of the image. Some people seem to live in a world where the horizon is always level, subjects are always in the right position and the background is always uncluttered.

    Beech Cathedral

    Hi Barry, great image and a good job of holding the highlights. I disagree about the tree on the right. I think it anchors the image for me. One idea I had is this might look good if you crop just above where the branches arch in the middle of the frame....just a thought. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Hello David nice image. Looks like you fell into the trap I usually do...need to crop the weeds from the upper right. IMHO that would make this a little better. Next time watch the droopy greens in the lower left. At least that's one view....I could be wrong. George Lepp had a great one of these...you might want to do a search and see if you can find it. Have a good one and congrats on the wildflower photos!

    Prisoner #2

    Jan, was looking at the photos with very little time but couldn't help but give you a thumbs up on this photo!! Just great all the way framing, color, focus......good job.

    August Whitetails

    Hi Kevin,You know what they say about never take a picture of the north end of a southbound skunk...I think you have found one of the exceptions there are to any rule! Great job, I think you got the focus spot on! You should be proud.

    Sunrise mood

    Alex, I agree that the horizon could be a little higher, but that's just a minor thing in my opinion. Really a great photo, wish it was one of mine! Guess it pays to be the early bird....
  3. Wow!!! The color layering is fantastic and really catches the eye. I think you could pick apart any photo but the reality is that, from an overall perspective, this is wonderful. Keep up the good work!


    Wow Peter! What a great capture.....even down to the drops of venom on the fangs. Guess all the shortfalls can be overlooked when you think of how hard it must have been to get this shot. Can you provide any details???
  4. Then I'm sure you can imagine what the original photo looks like. The red is more saturated and clouds had more contrast......a great place. Also a good place to catch bighorn sheep in the morning or evening.
  5. Both comments are spot on. I don't know what happens when I upload these things! When I pull this up from disc and print it out it is a really attractive photo in both settings.....this just lost all of it's glitter. Maybe I'll just give up.

    Tie Dye Dusk

    Great thought JW ! Does make one reflect right along with the subject. Would have liked to see all of her right elbow. I am also thinking about what it would look like were she facing the dark?? Anyway, just some ramblings going through my mind - good job! By the way, it appears you have one letter wrong in the spelling of your last name ;)
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