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Image Comments posted by rdtshaw

    Garden Spider


    This was literally handed to me one morning... I walked out my

    front door and staring me in the face was this Garden Spider. It

    had it's web in the vines of a pothos plant I have on my porch and

    that gave me the ability to move him around to get all kinds of

    great shots. This is one spider that was not camera shy. I used a

    Nikon 55mm micro on my D100 that gave me about 3" working distance.

    I had that lens in it's face for about 10 minutes while I filled the

    CF card shooting all different angles and he only moved a tiny bit.

    This gave me a great opportunity to experiment with the apeture to

    get exactly the DOF I wanted. Anyhow, I thought this one showed

    this spider's magnificent markings well. I just wanted to share it

    and get your thoughts. Have a good one.



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