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Image Comments posted by ben_granillo

  1. it is rare to have an image make my heart crawl with tears, and while this photo is quite narrative, perhaps of this particular situation, it also speaks about the human condition, in particualr what we will allow ourselves to witness, and what we are moved to change. I find it odd that children would be seen like this in routine life at this center, but here in the west we might see animals in such a position....?



    I think that there is an art for to presenting ordinary objects, subjectively and creatively,

    while maintaining aesthetic ballance. In this image, of what is obviously a bath scrubbie

    thing, I am left wondering if this frog is pondering shower life. Aesthetically I see, first, the

    three drops which accent the left side of the image, followed by the blurry shampoo/ body

    wash botthles that pertain to the main subject and finally the green swirls that the netting

    creates as a visually stimulating path to the frogs eyes.



    Yes, this is a tight crop, because I wanted to potentially use it as an illustration, but here is the original image uncropped, what do you think?

  2. its a neck and a bra strap and ait was mirrored vertically and the hair in the middle is the hair at the base of the skull, and the chest was warped. Or its a woman that was swallowed by her own vagina?


    I think that more black at the top of this image would greatly enhance the line coming from the right up to the upper left corner. Nice shot! Or maybe less black at the bottom, either way...


    thanks for your feed back, we were out walking from one location to another for a shoot and we saw these giant flowers so we stopped for a quickie, I can't remember if we were using the reflector on her left, but the highlight on her right came from the mid afternoon sun.

    Jersey Girls

    I love it when children resemble ichabod crane. This tells of timless trivial attempts to preserve childhood with a forshaddowing of the inescapable slumber assured to all of us. I really think you have something here, captured in this image that preserves the ignorance that children hold, which sepperates them from the aware, and keeps them open to imagine without the perils and stresses imposed by time


    some of the shots on the roll were shot with slower speeds using an ND filter, and you can see people walking in a blur behind my wife. thanks for the feed back, I'll try to post this image so that you can see it too.
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