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Image Comments posted by arian_bahrami


    Though at first that it could be a misinterpretation and thees two could be taken as lesbians and not sisters. But yes, they?re sisters. Very nice that I could bring this out.


    Is amazing in this image!! You really find intressting ways to play with the shadings in your pictures,. The cola bottle ads life and realness to this picture, If it was on your purpose to have it there then I just have to say, smart thinking., Like your pictures alot. Keep up the nice work.



    I hade a dream some weeks ago.. It was about giants among normal

    sized ones. Giants had come from the underworld to our land, to our

    world,. Noone could understand them or what they ehre doing here.

    The giants were not any harmfull but on the other hand very


    In the moorning I decided to make a photo-story of my dream,.,., So

    far three photos.

    Would be nice with some critques, ideas and feedbacks on how too

    move on,.,. I have my own ideas but it is always nice to know what

    others thinks.


    I think you should turn down the saturation on the yellow sign in the back,., Then yo� will get more effect on the yellow phone,.,



    I couldn't imagine a better portrait of this man. . I like expression and the face is interesting and specially the way the eyes are presented.

    It's the kind of picture that draws you in, makes you wonder about the person, his life.

    Your work gets better and better...

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