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Posts posted by matthew_silberstein1

  1. Just get a 17-40mm. Beautiful color rendition, great 3D and subtle transitions. Works out

    to be a 27-63 or something close to that. Move closer if you need to fill your frame. Btw,

    the focusing is fast and you have weather sealing too. Enjoy Japan. Go with L glass.

  2. Hi. I am thinking about selling my 3 year old Black Paint Summilux 50 and Black Paint MP to help finance

    an M8. Not my only M, but one that will be hard to let go of. Life is getting more complicated for me

    while my clients push for instant results. Digital is now a professional expectation. Anyway, I wanted to

    prep folks on this list for this strong possibility. I have been a member for a bit and have posted plenty of

    pictures and comments. My wife and I just had a baby and we moved to the SW from the Seattle area one

    year ago. Lots going on and I am tempted make some changes. Three M bodies no longer make sense I

    think. Btw, the 50 is a real gem. We seem to be using the 2.8 version more frequently due to size and

    weight considerations.

  3. This is what they told me:


    "The Charter membership will be honored for all users meeting the requirements. Yes you

    do have to provide proof of purchase, name, time, place of purchase etc. Please write (sic)

    lightcrafts.com if you have not already done so. You should get a response in a couple

    days. We normally try to respond in 24 hours, but recently the mailboxes are overflowing

    and we cannot guarantee an immediate answer.


    In the meantime LightZone 3 has a 30 day demo period, so there shouldn't be any

    emergency to get a new serial number immediately. You can use LZ3 now if you like."



    I sent my info in using the address on their site.

  4. Just an FYI.


    Talked the nice folks at Light Crafts about charter members and the upgrade to the completely new and

    revised Lightzone version 3.0. Was originally worried they were going to charge anyway, even though they

    promised a lifetime of free upgrades. No worries. They are rebuilding their charter member database and

    plan on providing the upgrade for free-as promised. I was told to send them my name, copy of the sale

    (date, where purchased, etc) and that would speed things up a bit. Charter membership refers to anyone

    who bought Lightzone on or before March 31st, 2006.


    Big demand, small company woes. Btw, version 3 is a great looking / acting upgrade. I am impressed.

  5. Leo,


    Consider a Summicron or Elmar. The Elmar is flat field with little light loss in the corners.

    Inexpensive used or new. The Summicron is sharper-maybe too sharp. I own the Summilux

    pre ASPH and an Elmar. Once had the Summicron. Sold it and got the Elmar instead.

  6. Both are great, though the non ASPH M 1.4 is not as "technical" looking. More "artsy"

    some would say. A trend towards higher contrast lenses makes the non ASPH M 1.4 look a

    bit dim in outer edge areas, yet there is a look-a signature thumbprint-that stands out

    with this older design. I am one of those who really apprecates the M 1.4 non ASPH's

    fantastic grayscale rendering, risistance to flare and out of focus zone display. It also has

    a smoother focusing cam. Both the ASPH M and Zeiss are better with geometry and micro

    detail. The non-ASPH displays, when wide open until f5.6, a mild bowing at the bottom of

    the frame. This can be cropped out or adjusted in photoshop. If architecture is your

    main thing you might want to pass on the non ASPH. For people and landscape pictures

    using limited depth of field the non ASPH is striking. All of these designs make for

    superior results as long as you: select lower ISO for film and digital, prevent camera shake,

    stay properly focused and nail exposure. - Good luck!

  7. Both are great, though the non ASPH M 1.4 is not as "techinical" looking. More "artsy"

    some would say. A trend towards higher contrast lenses makes the non ASPH M 1.4 look a

    bit dim in outer edge areas, yet there is a look-a signature thumbprint-that stands out

    with this older design. I am one of those who really apprecates the M 1.4 non ASPH's

    fantastic grayscale rendering, risistance to flare and out of focus zone display. It also has

    a smoother focusing cam. Both the ASPH M and Zeiss are better with geometry and micro

    detail. The non-ASPH displays, when wide open until f5.6, a mild bowing at the bottom of

    the frame. This can be cropped out or adjusted in photoshop. If architecture is your

    main thing you might want to pass on the non ASPH. For people and landscape pictures

    using limited depth of field the non ASPH is striking. All of these designs make for

    superior results as long as you: select lower ISO for film and digital, prevent camera shake,

    stay properly focused and nail exposure. - Good luck!

  8. I have shopped everywhere in Seattle and find that Kenmore is super reasonable when it

    comes to prices. I believe in supporting the local merchant if they do their job well.

    Kenmore Camera is not perfect, but who is? Online should be of last resort-you take risks

    with online even from places like B&H. Ask for Bob, the owner, and you will be treated really


  9. Obviously some of you are not familiar with the D2, the small sensor issues, slow focus

    and the limited lens range. That's okay.

    Some of you have problems with parades and local innocence. That is okay too. It is

    cheesy and that is why it can be fun to record.


    Mr. Rose, thank you for your question. I have shot a few recent events with a digital SLR

    and have seen folks shy away. I notice the Digilux 2 acts "invisible" like my M cameras. I

    can get up close to folks and not have them notice until after the shot. I love rangefinders

    and was impressed the D2 could be used in similar fashion.


    I find it interesting, Mr Santos, that you chose to be so negative in tone. Do you not

    understanding my choice of camera along with its inherent weaknesses? I appreciate

    your advice but please in the future do your homework a bit about the tools in use. And

    you might want to even look over a member's other pages-in this case posted over the

    years- to get an idea about their style, experience level, etc. Small sensors, even at f4,

    have too much in focus. The only way to get a small digital sensor to mirror limited depth

    of field is to shoot real close at f2 or 2.8 or buy a digital camera with a 420mm range. The

    Digilux 2 will never have that f1.4 or 2.8 look unless I am inches from a face or using a

    super zoom.


    I do think wide lens variations and obtuse angle choices can be a weak crutch. I have

    been an M shooter for some time, sold images, etc. 35mm and 50mm are my usual

    suspects. I was only interested in sharing results from my limited,consumer grade digital

    tool in a fast moving event. BTW, Photoshop issues can only be discussed in front of a

    print-not a small JPEG slide show on a computer monitor (which is often not properly



    I do not have issues with artistic critiscm-unless it is unreasonable and lacks tact. Wisdom

    should not be cynical.


    I will drink my glass of scotch and keep doing what I do.

  10. I am posting a few images taken yesterday in Corrales, New Mexico. This is the first time using my D2 for

    fast action. Only a couple of times did it hunt for focus. I noticed people were less apt to shy away when

    using this camera. I got lots of smiles when pointing my D2 at folks. I thought the D2 did a great job.


    My pics are full frame with little or no color/contrast adjustments. I usually shoot in RAW but the fast

    action forced me to choose JPEG. Looks good to me though if any of you have comments/uggestions I

    would love to hear some of your digital/artistic wisdom.




    Here is my link:



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