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Image Comments posted by scottpyates

  1. That must be some room to have a view like that. Your photograph makes me wish I had both right now. Looks like there was some minor burning/dodging in the mountain ridge areas! But it's not too much that it distracts from the aesthetics. Good job!! All the Best, ~~Scott~~

    Spider Webs

    You've made the webs the subject of the photo while still giving the background aesthetic relevancy. In other words, a less thought out composition would so easily zoom in and single out a single web from its beautiful environment. I love the shallow depth of field and the perspective. Well done! ~~Scott~~

    Auschwitz 1



    I like the darkness of the vignetting here, which seems only to make more vivid the fact that the subject is indeed a dark, gloomy, horrid place. But how did you make this photo this way? Photoshop filters?


    I was wondering what angle lens you used here. And how much of the contrast here is natural and how much was post production? I do love the shot...with only the one puff of cloud in the sky!! Could have cleaned it up a little more by cropping out the cloud puff in the lower left corner. Nice and moody!!



    This was taken with a DianaPLUS, the precursor to the infamous, medium format, plastic

    Holga. Any feedback is welcome. See if you can tell what is going on here!

    Quiet Night


    Victor, I'm an American who has just visited Guadalajara and Ajijic. I like this photo because it showcases the cobble stoned streets and the stone walls that captured my delight while I saw them in person. I like the light of this photo because it gives that quiet, still mood that you were going for. Please take more landscape shots around town. Maybe I'll recognize something from my visit. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm keeping an eye out for more photos from you.



    I like the tonal range here. I keep wanting to tilt my head to make the composition clean and parallel. I don't like the tilt in this case.


    All I have to say is that this image must have been the product of much stalking! Good catch! Too high a contrast as the highlights are blown out and there's no detail in the shadows. But what are you to do when its buzzing around like that?
  2. David, your abstracts are too numerous and too good to ignore. You've got your photography niche! Here, sculptures are works of art already, but you take it much further. You found the hard angles and cold metal that really makes this shot shine. Contrast is perfect, composition is dead on, subject matter--YES! I second what Mario says, manipulation seems too obvious. Tone it down a bit more and you'll have one heck of a great shot. Thanks! P.S.--I posted a second draft of my image you commented on. That was really helpful, and I agree with you.
  3. Don't let that "bad" comment carry too much weight. I like this one, its the one I kept comming back to in your portfolio. First, I like the twisted to the right camera angle--it's a new twist to an ordinary viewpoint of a tree. Second, I thought this was taken at sunset with the sun peeking out of a storm-blackened sky. But wait, on further inspection, it seems like a tungsten street light is shining brightly instead. Had me going there for a second, I liked that. The stars, however, don't hold that much dazzle for me though. They are not what makes this a cool image to me. P.S. Do you work on a golf course, by any chance? (I know that's random)

    P.P.S- I made a second draft of my image you commented on. Thanks!


    I like this because its a very abstract image yet accurately depicts the object.I like the full shadows without all of the objects. What is it by the way?
  4. This is one photo i would pay for to hang on my wall. The people are perfect the way they are--still, blurred, and really blurred. The carrousell colors are great. I do have to say that the sky is distracting, but that's the price you sometimes pay for a longer shutter speed, right, haha. Thanks for sharing.



    Funny!! I don't want to know how or why you got so close to that thing. I hear they can be vicious. Points for bravery. Perhaps too much flash, as it takes away the natural outside lighting that is obviously there. Let's see the tip of the beak too. Good Job.

    Mother and child

    Good representation of a mother and her child. Perfect contrast and tonal values. Composition isolates subjects well, but lets see an inch more of mom's elbow. yeah, the scan lines need to go. And the file size needs to be way smaller in order to see it on the screen. Good work.
  5. Of the Movement series, I like this one the most because we can see some of her face. I know that's not the primary objective, but just a little hint of all the faces couldn't hurt. Nice use of natural sunlight. You caught the "magic hour" perfectly.
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