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Image Comments posted by daveb1034

    Snake Smell 2


    I like how the body is in the same plane as the eyes. It gives the viewer something to look at and as the S bend of the snake draws back to connect to the head we lose that focus. This adds depth to image as does the rest of the snake in the background. Very nice capture. I would like to not have any grass in front of the head but this is one of those compositions that don't really lend themselves to be re-taken. Nice capture none the less.


    Personally I love the detail in the scales.

    Water fountain

    George, I'm really impressed by the clarity of the water. The simple green background doesn't distract from the comotion in the foreground. I love the detail. Like I said before, real magazine quality here. And now, I must show you up. (friendly rivalries are great)
  1. This is kind of an abstract perspective. I did not know whether to

    categorize this as architecture or abstract or travel. I'm interested

    in getting an over all opinion of this photo. I have my reasons for

    liking it and I just want to see if I can get a general opinion from

    those that will give honest but constructive criticism. Thanks for

    your critiques and all comments are welcomed.

    The Fall


    Interesting perspective with her laying down and then shooting a 'vertical' portrait. It's kind of weird seeing the leaves not falling. I like the idea, the lighting is a little too direct, the shadows are a little strong on the fingers, and as someone else said under the eyes. Perhaps a little bit (just a tiny bit) of back lighting to soften up those shadows.


    She's a cute girl, nice original idea, nice tones. I like it.

    "Goalie Spotlight"


    mmmm vaughn velocity *Droool* Are these pads for sale? Whoops sorry wrong message board.


    I love the lighting and the shadow of the net on the pads. the contrast is a plus and heck, it's a goale *thumbs up* nice work on getting everythign else blacked out and the goalie in perfect exposurel. me likes.



    I really like this photo, I just wanted to see what the general

    opinion of it was.


    All comments welcomed.


    Thank's for your time.

    Cloud Well Lit


    I like it! If this was the only cloud in the night sky then the moon's light behind it wont reach the other parts of the sky. I've taken several photos with the moon in it and the sky stays as black as ever. I am wondering why I dont see any stars? With an 8 second exposure of ISO 200 we should at least see a few traces of stars.

    I do like how you used the light pollution to your advantage, the trees are nicely silhouetted, and the cloud is illuminated from both sides.

    Who would of thought a stratocumulous could be so interesting?

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