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Image Comments posted by will_quinnell



    If someone is looking for pornography, they will find it. If there is someone out there looking for an image like this - with disturbing reasons - they will find it. The problem is not with the child, the photographer, or the image - it's the people who look at this photo and react inappropriately.


    This is a beautiful photograph. The tones are wonderful and the girl looks innocent and thoughful. I can guarantee you that she couldn't care less if she had a shirt on. The bliss of childhood ignorance and the wonderful lack of physical shame.. that's what makes this such a wonderful image. It's not disgusting. It's not erotic. It is a picture of a child. In my experience this is how many children of that age spend their time.


    If you're looking for 'dangerous' photos you'll find them - it's how you choose to see it.

    Open your minds, the overwhelming majority are not perverts or deviants.


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