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Posts posted by robidooo

  1. Hi Yianni. I see you uploaded the photo on November 1st. This is when the time counter starts. All those timed "top rated photo" use the loaded date to see if a photo is admissible. When you want to see your photo in the top rated pages, it is always better to request for critique as soon as you upload your photo.
  2. Gerry, the camera starts a new folder every 100 photos, as said previously. But it is not counted by the actual number of photo in the folder. It is counting from the file number.


    Let's say you are at photo "IMG_xx90.jpg" when you format the card. The next photo will be photo "IMG_xx91.jpg" and the placed on the folders xx1CANON. When the next photo number reach 99, it will be the last photo placed in this folder. A new one will be created for photo "IMG_x100.jpg".


    To resume, the count of 100 photo can be spanned across multiple formatting of the cards.

  3. At work I don't have any fancy image software. I downloaded your photo and was able to open it perfectly with "Faststone Image viewer". A simple "save as..." and I have a perfect jpg you can work with. Seems odd to me that Photoshop or the DPP can't do the same. But you do lose all advantages of working in RAW however.<div>00HD9t-31040384.thumb.jpg.4e17b9a2c931848c10f235e1b58868c8.jpg</div>
  4. As Ryan mentioned, I use the DG version. While I never used the non-DG, from my research, I decided that I was much better with the DG one because of flare.


    You can look at some of my recent birds photo, they are all taken with the Bigma. I don't have it since a long time and I'm still experimenting. But I printed a couple of photo and they are coming out very well. Much better than the consumer lens I had before. But again, I never shot with "L" lenses so it is hard to compare.


    A heavy lens, so you will absolutely need the tripod for nearly every shots, but I like everything of it since I got it.


    Oh yeah, I use it on a Rebel XT.

  5. OK, I searched through the archives with no luck.


    I would like to know if there is a way to make the presentation

    appear in a determined order in our main page, just as the photo



    Also, could it be possible to edit the names of the presentations

    without having to start them completely? I know for having read it

    that the renaming portion was part of the projects but has never been



    Any plan to "fix" this soon?



  6. I got the grip some time after getting the XT. No regrets at all. The last reason was that I wanted to look like a pro. I got it mostly to have a better grip, for the ability to use AA batteries and for the vertical shutter. If I would be you, I would keep it. May I ask why you stopped using it? For me, it makes a lot of difference in term of balance, even with a 500mm f1.8 lens.
  7. Hi Brian, hope you still read this thread.


    I noticed that when the autosubmit is ON, I saw one of my comment posted 3 times, and another twice. I think it is because the autosubmit was ON and that I'm used to have it off. I prefer to click on the arrow myself when I'm finished. But since I did not realised the autosubmit was ON, I was also pressing the arrow. Maybe that is why it got posted multiple times. Note that I deleted the multiple entries I did.


    PS, sorry for the poor English.

  8. Regarding the overlap, it looks like it is only happening the first time you look at a photo. The other times, it was not doing it.


    I too would like to know what the autosubmit "on/off" means.


    And I would like a lot to see a choice like the autosubmit to allow a user to decide to see or not the comment box. As I previously stated, I prefer to comment and I find it is deranging to have to click on the "comment" button on each and every photo the queue is serving me.

  9. I also get the overlaping text at the bottom when I try to use the feature to leave some comments, as I always did. I guess I will have to find another way to leave comments as the "Rate Recent" feature will not work for me anymore. Too bad there is not something similar for the people that want to only leave comments and no rates...<div>00Faud-28716884.jpg.fc5c5b1f923ef84be27463ca643faff5.jpg</div>
  10. I'm with Duncan here. I do use the comment box in the Rate Recent. You could move it to the bottom, and also add the text of the Request for Critique there.


    But often, I'm doing the same as David. I look at the photo in the Rate Recent and then I open the one I want to comment in another tab to see the Request for Critique text, and the comments if there is some. I use the Rate Recent to get a random selection of the latest photo people put for critique.


    I even find sometimes that I would like to just use the box for the comment, and put no rating. But the system will not let me put a comment without rating when using the rate recent. I used to rate a lot, but now, I leave more comments. Therefore, I would like a place like "Rate Recent", but where you can leave only comments. I like the idea of being presented random photo of different categories.

  11. Just tested it. From Yahoo / IE, it worked just fine. Only tested with one photo however. But it was lightning fast.


    One thing I also noted is that the photodrop folder appear on the community page even if the sequence is 0. Is this normal? Also, the photo I uploaded in the drop folder was showing as one of the last 3 photo I uploaded.


    What is the use of having hidden folders (sequence 0) if the photo appear elsewhere in our pages? Just a question, as I don't really need to have hidden folders...


    Thanks for the new functionality. It will be useful from time to time.

  12. I think there should be a waiting period of a week before new members can rate photo. In that week, they could only contribute comments. This would help the site control revenge raters and also help the comments to become more and more important on the site. I also like the idea of giving more rights/benefits to the paying members as it would encourage frequent visitors to contribute to get those benefits and would help for the growth of the site.
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