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gary w. graley

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Image Comments posted by gary w. graley



    Thanks David, appreciate that, her eyes are striking and as you say the lighting on the B&W brings out subtle things in her expression.


    three daughters

    Thanks Tom, although I guess it wasn't to another's liking but that's the way it goes. I like how their eyes line up in an arc, it was a quick impromptu shot of my daughters, while my oldest, the one on the left, was home visiting. G2


    understand and agree somewhat, it was a candid shot not one setup, as you can see he was in deep thought over the troubles and she was just plain tired, I shot when and how fast I could to capture that moment, not a perfect portrait for sure but it was a real moment, if you know what I mean



    Shot at ISO 800, was a sad weekend as my daughter's husband, also captured here, wrecked his durango on black ice, tore a rim off the truck! he was safe but $9k in damages was kind of a downer!


    Dime's worth


    Thanks Joe, the image wasn't cropped but positioned for the resulting image. It's a full frame shot as seen in the viewfinder, very closeup! The shot was 55" wide when taken from the camera, had to reduce the 'size' when uploading for viewing but the framing/cropping was not touched. I liked his focused stare, even at f8 I didn't get the bottom section in as sharp a focus as I'd have liked, but it was to show some friends of mine how well the Fuji S7000 can get a quick image without much fuss. I've also taken a liking to viewing some statutes, amazing works of art!


    Dime's worth


    Thanks Matt, those are very fine fibers from some elk skin leather I had on the table, didn't notice them until they showed up on the photo, but left them there for some character.

    The lighting was ambient light from above, the dime was set at about a 45 degree angle to capture the detail from the face, the lens setup allows you to get pretty darn close! This was shot at f8 and 1.1 second.

    Be sure to view it as a Large Image.


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