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josh cho

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Image Comments posted by josh cho

    Playing in the fog

    Great image Younes, I like how the horizon line bends. I don't know whether it's because your on a hill, if your using a wide lens, or both. The fog with this scene of two predominant trees and the father and son compliments each other very well. Good stuff!

    Pierced Nipple

    It kind of reminds me of Alvin Coburn's image called "The Octopus" taken in New York, however this abstraction is unique and interesting in its own respect. "KAP" seems like it takes a lot of trial and error, but it looks like it works well for you. Keep up the interesting work, look forward to seeing more!
  1. If you can view this image at 200% and if the entire image is sharp from foreground all the way to the back, you have really nailed the sharpness. From what I can see looks like you've executed it really well. The detail, the color and the framing. gj
  2. beautiful image, love the colors the exposure is dead on using of course nd graduated filters. The only way to shoot sunsets with a long foreground. I would love to see this print done with fuji crystal archive super gloss through a lightjet output. Great Work!

    A rare sight

    did you shoot one without the nd grad filter? perhaps raising the filter up higher to darken only the sky and not the mountains would have balanced the contrast with the reflection in your shot. overall its a good shot.
  3. I like this image. I like the framework and how your leading the viewer from the top corner to the bottem corner and vice-versa. I don't mind that the highlights are blown out on the skin but i want to know if you did that intentionally. Other than that this image is simple and it works. good job
  4. wise decision on including the tree to the right in the frame of your composition. makes the image a lot more pleasing and an interesting view of the subject (empty house). love it great shot and may i add that even though it was photographed with a 35mm you still have no distortion on the house as far as converging lines are considered.

    Aspen Gold

    wow, what an interesting perspective of a nature photograph. you don't see many photos of nature with a fisheye lens that actually works. i like it, kudos Curtis.
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