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Image Comments posted by jeff_urban

    conjoined caimans!




    this image is entirely unmanipulated...clearly, these are not

    conjoined caimans. i simply photographed one single, lurking caiman

    below the critical angle. so what you see here is the lower body of

    the caiman and the reflected image (seemingly pointing upwards) on the

    lower side of the water/air interface. it looked so cool that i

    thought i would share it here...


    exceptional capture. excelente! and thanks for providing the photo details (1/640, f stop, etc.). it's nice to see a *real* image instead of all of the photoshopped nonsense that is so abundant.
  1. Hi, this is a photo I recorded while traveling at a garden in Suzhou

    (located ~1 hour from Shanghai). While traveling there I was

    captivated by the boundless enthusiasm with which a local girl was

    feeding the fish (jin1 yu2, literally "gold fish"). This photo was my

    favorite...she had just released the bread (shown in mid-flight) and

    was eagerly awaiting the scramble below...


    this is a gorgeous, well-composed shot. it's criminal that it hasn't received higher ratings and more views. nice work.

    Paperwork Parade


    hi dennis,


    thanks for your comments. yes, indeed it is not a street photo, per se, although (in my defense) the newer photo submission criteria on photo.net make it impossible to submit an image without first choosing a category. it certainly didn't fit architecture, nature, nudes, etc. so i chose the thematically closest category..."street".


    and, you are correct on the second point...the paper is indeed coming down, as it were.

  2. hi mike,


    thanks for your comments! i thought your series of "qantas" photos were clever and quite creative. i also appreciated the excellent sydney photos (i travelled there recently for the first time and i now find myself a bit "homesick" for sydney)


    nice photo. is this the weeks footbridge? personally, i would have preferred a tighter crop (the appearance of the first step in the lower left hand corner rather detracts from the image)
  3. hi,


    this is a (rather precariously obtained!) aerial photo of the spillout

    from a reservoir in upstate new york. we've had unrelenting rainfall

    all weekend, which has made for some rather exceptional water levels

    and dynamic scenes. any and all comments are appreciated!

  4. hey dude,


    well, i'm not really talented enough to do any advanced digital manipulation at this point, so i have to admit that this pic is just a pair of very buoyant sandals. the framing of the shot was intentional, however, as i wanted to convey the notion of an invisible "other" standing around on the ocean...glad you liked it...thanks!

  5. hi...it was super cold in new york in january, and i noticed that my

    windows were garnished with the most lovely and baroque patterns of

    ice. here i am looking out at the world through my winter window.

    window pain




    this is a picture of one side of the new Strata Center at MIT.

    Frank Gehry designed a really amazing set of buildings here...the

    theme was that there could be "organized chaos"...as he claimed his

    desk was messy, yet navigable. i think these buildings are really

    unique and captivating. please let me know what you think

  6. hi kent, i'm just a beginner but i'll toss in my 2 cents


    this is a very interesting spot! i feel as though the left edge of the picture kind of detracts from the visually interesting remainder of the walkway...i'd crop it if possible. i'd also prefer fewer/no people. also, just a thought, but i bet there are some neat shadows here later in the day...an early evening shot further down the walkway might be very cool

    life zipping away


    hi, this image was taken during a trip to a cloud forest in the

    heart of Costa Rica. we used ziplines to travel from treetop to

    treetop, which was simply amazing. due to our extreme altitude, we

    often zipped in and out of clouds, which lent an air of serene

    surreality to the proceedings. i thought this image captured the

    eerie sense of heading boldly into the unknown...

  7. as many visitors have mentioned, for me the best attribute of this shot is the layering...it's like visual baklava :) actually, at first glance it reminded me kind of a Rothko painting (with a boat added). good work. cheers.
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