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Image Comments posted by jwkencke

    Porn star

    I assume that is a "self-winder"? Nice shot that offers the imagination a playground. That's what gets the uptights all stirred up - its their own imagination, not the photos on PNet.

    Angie 2

    I have been so busy this year, I haven't had all the time to visit the pages of my favorite photogs. I got a comment from you recently and have finally gotten a chance to return here. This is top of the mark. You always bring a smile to lips with your composition and emotional textures. I love your work, although that may be the wrong word. Work is a job, and not always enjoyable tasks. This is a labor of love for the craft itself. Beautiful is the only appropriate word for this shot. Thanks for the encouragement by example.
  1. to discover the flower's nature. The eyes were enough to cause an interest, but not an intrusion. This side of the room was near total darkness. I had to focus on a light behind me at a similar distance, then point-and-pray. She does have a very intense look in her eye, though.
  2. this is a great photo. I might be wrong, but I think it was Sir Edmund Hillary who said, "...because it is there." Photos ask to be taken. We, as photographers, can refuse that call if we like, but then we inhibit our own passion and deny the world a chance to see themselves through our eyes - a rare opportunity and gift, to say the least. Or....it's just a great shot. Keep shootin'!

    Barn Owl

    portfolio and noticed some shots that cried out for a better lens. I see you've got the 28-300 canon....it looks great. How do you like it? I mean how does it perform through it's range? I had a couple of consumer level lenses when I bought my 20D. I was getting real discouraged. Then I put a crowbar in the wallet and bought the 70-200 f2.8 L IS ...life began all over for me. It is an inspiration to finally get your glasses clean. I can throw one of the new shots in photoshop and I don't have to do much at all. This is a great shot, btw!
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