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Image Comments posted by mattshacklady



    Nice shot. Great idea. Lucky he kept so still! :)

    Only things I don't like are the background - a little drab, and the lighting, I find it flat.

  1. Lovely subject! Great depth of view - makes it look like a miniature! The only negative comment is about the background, shame their couldn't have been something a little more picturesque. What lens did you use?

    Barcelona, Spain

    I think this may be one of those photos that looks best blown up, so that you can get right up close and see the indivdual elements, as well as standing back and seeing the collage of colours. Nice shot
  2. Shot from my back deck this evening after the first gloriously sunny

    day we have had this winter. Feel that vitamin D...


    Is it too boring? Does it lack a subject?

    Or does it give you a feeling of peace?


    Great shot. Captures the kids happiness perfectly. Nice light. I think maybe it would be better without the vertical lines in the backgroud, and a tighter crop, but still nice portrait


    Nice shot - specially at night! The shot may have been a little better composed if the guy was on the other side, but then I am sure he was too busy playing to take directions! :)

    Misty Autumn 2

    very interesting, not so sure about the colours though, it's neither punchy enough, or subdued enough for my liking - neither here now there (excuse my lame explanation of my feelings). I like the subject though - worth a second look

    Flower 01


    Lovely. nice colours. I think the insects need to be bigger though, they are a little lost in the picture.

    Mayce also the dark plant on the right could be cropped to simplify them.

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