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Image Comments posted by bernie_beckerman


    This shot would have had a much different feel if the tiny foot wasn't included - probably more sensual, though now it's somewhat nurturing. I have to admit that you are developing a rather distinct style. I was surprised that I knew this shot was yours before I even saw the name. I can't place my finger on it, but maybe it's the lighting quality with the almost over-exposed highlights and the interesting use of linear composition (legs and arms), but I think you've got something very interesting going on. Keep it up. Cheers.


    Hey there John... its a jewish wedding. Not every culture has the same traditions as in North America when it comes to nuptual symbols. In much of Europe it's on the right hand not the left. Some cultures don't use a ring at all, they use a personalized garment. In Judaism it's put on you pointer finger because it is suppose to be the most direct path to your heart (from your hand that is). Just a little info if you were still wondering.

    Northern Poland

    A little clockwise rotation would defintitely help balance the shot a little better. Also, if you had waited for more even lighting the image might have had a better dramatic effect

    November rain

    I was looking at this as I was listening to some music. The combination of this image with the music was very emotional for me. I could really feel like I was inside looking out into a world racing around me during the last moments of day. Great contrast within the compostion with the use of city lighting. Excellent:)


    I think you've really captured the beauty and serenity of pregnacy. There appears to be a bit of soft focus; is that from the hoya K2 Yellow filters? It adds a nice element to the composition
  1. I like it alot. For anyone who's raced will know this is what it feels like as a participant. It's all a matter of frame of reference. Instead of running and having the world a blur around you, the runners are blurred in a stationary setting. Cheers!

    new life

    if the lighting had been a little more from the side or maybe if she would have turned a little to her left the pregnacy would be more striking
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