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Image Comments posted by nerradchoong

  1. I don't understand why so many people like this picture at all... for me, it's just a point and shoot picture and it's really nothing much. The bottom left part where the guy was washing something is a big distraction for me. The picture has too many subjects or none. Yes, no doubt that you had taken many good one, but definately not this. 2cents

    Flight #1


    I don't want to rate this picture and if i want to rate it, i would just give 2/2.

    I think it's really meaningless and the model looked like of "stupid" in that picture. The hand sign doesn't bring out any meaning. Sorry for the criticism.



    F8 doesn't really work for me here, the plant doesn't merge with the subject and the model doesn't seem to have a natural expression, kind of weird

    but overall, this is a good picture

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