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Posts posted by ludovico_magnocavallo

  1. <p>My favourite non-battery Japanese RF is definitely the Olympus 35S-II: small, compact, beautifully constructed, and with a great 7-elements lens. Like the Fuji above, it too has parallax corrected framelines, an ingenious system to connect shutter speed and aperture with a single EV value, and one curious feature: on the lens barrel, right at the middle of the DOF preview scale, there's a small white dot that turns red when the shutter is cocked. My first, battered one below:<br>

    <img src="http://qix.it/site_media/cameras/olympus_35sii.jpg" alt="" width="720" height="480" /></p>

  2. <p>I'd keep a fully manual, fixed lens, classic rangefinder: the Olympus 35S-II. I love its design and sophistication, it feels great in my hands, and the fact that it's small and sturdy, and with a great lens does not hurt either. It's the one camera I'd like to save from oblivion.<br /> <img src="http://qix.it/site_media/cameras/olympus_35sii.jpg" alt="" width="720" height="480" /><br>

    Then I'd keep the Flektogon 35/2.4 and Fujinon 100/2.8 to use on my DSLR. :D</p>

  3. <p>I have a Konica EE-Matic DeLuxe F. I guess the F stands for "Flash Bulb", as there's a small cover on top which covers a flash bulb socket, and the inside of the cover is a mirror to diffuse the light.<br>

    It's a nice camera, but built pretty cheap: when I got it the rangefinder vertical alignment was totally off, and opening the top I discovered the mirror was held in place by a spot of glue and had come off. Easy to fix. The meter uses a cds cell and a mercury battery.<br>

    <img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2450/3800700352_013cd1ed55.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="333" /></p>

  4. <p>I have a Super Silette I found at a flea market lying on the pavement, and brought home for 10 euros. It got a professional CLA and is now one of my favourite fixed lens rangefinders. I love its looks, the EV system pairs well with my Gossen Sixtino, and the viewfinder/rangefinder are easy to use. If only it had strap lugs...</p>
  5. <p>Andy, a couple of pictures of my Beltica shot this morning in a hurry.</p>

    <p><img src="http://qix.it/site_media/cameras/beltica/beltica_1.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="480" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://qix.it/site_media/cameras/beltica/beltica_2.jpg" alt="" width="480" height="640" /></p>

    <p>And a size comparison with the XA, as it's difficult to understand how small the Beltica is without having one in your hands.<br>

    <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3590/3442921630_af09093c93.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="375" /><br>

    The "Zeiss bump" you see in the last pic was fixed by my favourite repairman when he gave the Beltica a CLA, he used to work for Zeiss in the '60s and I guess he's seen his fair share of bumps.</p>

  6. <p>I have a Belca Beltica which looks very similar, apart from the top cover. Despite it having a coated Tessar lens, I don't like using it much for the same reasons you don't like your Baldinette. It's a really nice looking camera though, and pretty cheap on German ebay. A couple of shots from mine.<br>

    <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3355/3491689949_78e88a9834.jpg?v=0" alt="" /><br>

    <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3358/3491669919_90f4ba08d7.jpg?v=0" alt="" width="334" height="500" /></p>

  7. <p>These little rangefinders are really good for their price. I also have a C35, unfortunately its lens is damaged and badly out of focus. One of my favourites is the almost identical looking Mamiya 135EE, which has a very bright and easy to use rangefinder, and always amazes me with the color shots it takes even in difficult light conditions. A couple examples I had here at the office, using Fuji Reala 100<br /> <img src="http://qix.it/site_media/cameras/mamiya%20135ee/18730010.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="424" /><br>

    <br /> <img src="http://qix.it/site_media/cameras/mamiya%20135ee/22970028.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="427" /><br>

    <br /> <img src="http://qix.it/site_media/cameras/mamiya%20135ee/22970017.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="424" /></p>

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